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Launch of cropping season C in the Mubarazi swamps

MURAMVYA July 15th (ABP) – The Provincial Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Bureau (BPEAE) in Muramvya (center-west of Burundi), in partnership with the Farming Sector Development Project (PRODEFI), proceeded on Monday,…

Ordination of new priests in Kivoga parish

MURAMVYA July 13th (ABP) – The Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Bujumbura, Mgr. Gervais Banshimiyubusa, was on Saturday July 10 in St Pierre Claver parish of Kivoga for the ordination…

The inhabitants of Muramvya province are called on to work in the quadrilogy so that the province can get out of fear

MURAMVYA July 9th (ABP) –The second Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly (NA), Mr. Abel Gashatsi, along with the MPs elected in the constituency of Muramvya (center-west of Burundi), the…

The MPs on vacation have taken part in development works

MAKAMBA / KIRUNDO / MURAMVYA July 8th (ABP) – Vacationed MPs are conducting field trips to talk to the people about life in the country and participate in community development…

Civil society organizations congratulate the CNIDH on its re-accreditation to status A

MURAMVYA July 1st (ABP) – Around 50 civil society organizations, gathered in a reflection and exchange workshop in Muramvya province (central-western Burundi), said they were glad to learn of the…

An association of the natives of Bukeye living abroad gave a donation of blankets to 164 vulnerable people in that district

MURAMVYA June 25th (ABP) – About 164 blankets were distributed on Tuesday June 22 to the elderly and disabled as well as to vulnerable orphans in the headquarters of Bukeye…

People of Bukeye commune are called on to work harder to protect the environment

MURAMVYA June 11th (ABP) – The environmental Thursday works in Muramvya province (central-western Burundi) took place on Rweteto hill in Bukeye commune where they maintained eucalyptus plants set up as…

The exchange workshop on human rights has ended

MURAMVYA June 4th (ABP) – The Independent National Human Rights Commission (CNIDH) closed on Thursday, June 3, a two-day exchange workshop on human rights in the premises of the Bazelodge…

The CNIDH is committed to contributing to the construction of a Burundian society respectful of human rights

MURAMVYA June 4th (ABP) – The Independent National Human Rights Commission in Burundi (CNIDH) organized on Wednesday in Muramvya province (center-west of Burundi), a meeting for the governors and communal…

More than 80,000 cows are expected for vaccination against lumpy skin disease in Bubanza and Muramvya provinces

BUBANZA / MURAMVYA JUNE 1st (ABP) – Bubanza and Muramvya provinces plan to vaccinate more than 80,000 cows against lumpy skin disease. In Bubanza (west), more than 70,000 cows are…