• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


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A balanced and healthy diet is recommended for all children

BUJUMBURA, July 5th (ABP) – Young children (0 to 2 years) must be well nourished in order to grow well and allow their brains to develop properly, said the socio-cultural…

Young people have little or no information about the SSR

BUJUMBURA, June 14th (ABP) – Young people have little or no information about sexual and reproductive health (SRH), which increases the number of unwanted pregnancies in schools, according to a…

A convoy of 36 households left on Tuesday for the Mubumbi site

BUJUMBURA, May 24th (ABP) – A convoy of 36 households and their family belongings were taken on Tuesday May 21, to the capital of the Gatumba zone, a check on…

The people of Nyabiraba commune fears for their health because of a cassava flour they have consumed

BUJUMBURA, April 30th (ABP) – The people of the Nyabiraba commune in Bujumbura province (western Burundi) is in a state of panic because of the cassava flour they are buying…

Production of the commercial vessel at Nyamugari could take longer

BUJUMBURA, Apri1 25th (ABP) – Burundi would have a great advantage in maritime transport if the commercial ship being built on the shores of Lake Tanganyika were to be launched…

Members of the “Terimbere” cooperation welcome the step taken

BUJUMBURA March 21st (ABP) – The members of the fired brick manufacturing cooperative called “Terimbere” are satisfied with the fruit of their efforts, they declared to the ABP which met…

The Head of State inaugurated works built as part of the implementation of the 2040-2060 vision

BUJUMBURA March 7th (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Evariste Ndayishimiye visited Wednesday, March 6, 2024, in Isare commune, Bujumbura province (western Burundi), where he inaugurated the…

The Minister of the Interior brought together the administrative officials of the Bujumbura province

BUJUMBURA February 1st (ABP) – The Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, Martin Niteretse held, on the afternoon of January 30, 2024, in Maramvya in Mutimbuzi commune,…

Grumbles from pig butchers at Nyabiraba market

BUJUMBURA February 1st (ABP) – Pig butchers are grumbling and demanding to be treated like their colleagues who slaughter cows. According to them, they are hit daily by rain and…

Young people united in a cooperative created a restaurant and a health pharmacy

BUJUMBURA January 24th (ABP) – In the Rohero II district, in Mukaza commune, Bujumbura city, opposite Independence Boulevard, there is a dietary cooperative called Abarindiriye (CDA) of young people who…