• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


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Tea growers call for a rise in the price of a kilo of tea

BURURI, May 29th (ABP) – Tea growers in the commune of Mugamba, in Bururi province, are asking tea factory managers to increase the price of a kilo of green tea…

International Red Cross Day has been celebrated

BURURI, May 14th (ABP) – The Bururi Red Cross branch is currently assisting 406 vulnerable people. Iradukunda Emmanuel, provincial president of the Bururi Red Cross – RUMONGE said that on…

Restaurant and bar owners are called on to clean up their workplaces

BURURI, April 26th (ABP) – The governor of the Bururi province (southwest of Burundi), Col Léonidas Bandenzamaso, carried out a visit on Thursday, April 25, to the capital of the…

Official opening of the Kigutu International Academy school

BURURI, April 16th (ABP) – On Friday 12 April, the Minister of National Education and Scientific Research, Pr. François Havyarimana, officially opened a school called Kigutu International Academy, located in…

Delivery of patents and definitive incorporation

BURURI March 28th (ABP) – The Head of the National Defense Force of Burundi, General Prime Niyongabo proceeded on Tuesday, March 27, 2024, at the Bururi military camp, to the…

Launching and closing ceremonies of the Paralympic Games

BURURI March 26th (ABP) – The Minister of National Defense and Veterans Mr. Alain Tribert Mutabazi proceeded on Saturday in the headquarters of Bururi province, to the launch of the…

Development stakeholders are called on to be transparent

BURURI March 14th (ABP) – The governor of Bururi province, Léonidas Bandenzamaso, gathered development stakeholders last week in the capital of Bururi province, a check on the site by ABP…

The handball championship has ended

BURURI, February 22nd (ABP) – The final of the national handball championship for girls and boys, took place on Sunday February 18, 2024 at the Rutovu games field, in Bururi…

The appeal made by the Head of State to raise rabbits has been understood

BURURI November 17th (ABP) – Administrative officials and those responsible for decentralized services have indeed responded to the appeal made by the Head of State to raise rabbits. The hutch…

School officials are called on to improve academic results

BURURI November 6th (ABP) – The lack of teachers, infrastructure, laboratory equipment, the movement of inspectors and the accumulation of functions of certain school directors are the main causes of…