• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The CNIDH is committed to contributing to the construction of a Burundian society respectful of human rights


Jun 4, 2021

MURAMVYA June 4th (ABP) – The Independent National Human Rights Commission in Burundi (CNIDH) organized on Wednesday in Muramvya province (center-west of Burundi), a meeting for the governors and communal administrators from the western provinces of the country, that is, Bubanza, Bujumbura, Cibitoke, Muramvya and Bujumbura City Council. The meeting participants included representatives of the commander of the 1st Military Division and the regional police commissioner, the presidents of the Courts of Appeal and High Courts and the prosecutors, as well as the heads of provincial and communal services working in the aforementioned provinces.

Participants had to discuss their roles and responsibilities in the promotion and protection of human rights in Burundi.

In his welcome address, the chief of staff of the governor of the host province, Mr. Christophe Nemeyimana, said that the human rights situation in the province is generally satisfactory.

The Chairman of the CNIDH, Mr. Sixte Vigny Nimuraba, indicated in his opening speech that the participants are called on to work in synergy and avoid interference in their respective activities. He noted that among the participants were people concerned with the promotion and protection of human rights.

The organization of that regional activity is in line with the implementation of the CNIDH’s strategic plan for the period 2021-2025, particularly its 1st and 2nd axes concerning respectively the protection and promotion of human rights.

Mr. Nimuraba pointed out that the independent national commission often records cases of non-compliance with the penal code and / or code of criminal procedure, as well as cases of interference by some in the specialized work of others. Hence, according to the CNIDH, the recurrence of illegal and arbitrary detentions orchestrated by individuals often vested with decision-making powers. Worse still, the refusal or the slowness of enlargement for acquitted defendants is beyond the comprehension of ordinary citizens, Mr. Nimuraba insisted.

Mr. Nimuraba added that the CNIDH notes irregularities during visits to places of detention.  He recalled that those arbitrary detentions are punished by article 411 of the penal code.


Mr. Nimuraba declared that the CNIDH is committed to showing responsibility, dynamism and determination to contribute to the construction of a Burundian society respectful of human rights and to the accountability of the government and other guaranteeing actors in respect for human rights. However, it is convinced that the field of human rights requires the synergy of all stakeholders and regular consultation. The Chair of the CNIDH took that opportunity to give thanks to the various State and non-State, national and international institutions and partners for their good collaboration, their encouragement and multifaceted support which the CNIDH always needs. He reiterated the wish to see such opportunities increase further.

Note that on the first day of that exchange workshop, three themes were developed, namely the missions, the term and the powers of the CNIDH, the ethics and professional deontology of the civil servant in the issues of human rights, as well as the role of public administration in the promotion and protection of human rights.