• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The MPs on vacation have taken part in development works


Jul 8, 2021

MAKAMBA / KIRUNDO / MURAMVYA July 8th (ABP) – Vacationed MPs are conducting field trips to talk to the people about life in the country and participate in community development works.

In Makamba province (south), the Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr. Daniel Gélase Ndabirabe, continued his visit to the seed multiplication center in Rusovu, Dunga zone of Kayogoro commune, of a producer of selected seeds, Reverend pastor of the Church of the Unity of the Holy Spirit in Burundi (EUSEBU), Mr. Jacques Mazuru.

Over the 10 ha expanse, he produced 6.6T of hybrid maize by the time he planted 85 kg. He also harvested 3.5 T of improved seed composites. He received technical support from IFDC.

At that center, that producer of improved seeds offered a heifer to the Speaker of the National Assembly as a thank you for his visit.

Mr. Ndabirabe with his delegation continued his visit to Kiyange village of Kibago commune where the same producer has a 60 ha property where he operates an area of ​​30 ha. He cultivates different varieties and breeds cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and poultry there.

Mr. Mazuru said that the surrounding population is acquiring knowledge about the ways of practicing modern agriculture and animal husbandry. He further requested that he be assisted to have a machine to mechanize his agriculture.

The Speaker of the National Assembly encouraged that agri-pastoralist who understood the State’s policy to encourage the people to practice modern agriculture and breeding. He asked the administration to approach him so that he could teach farming techniques to people across the province. He also asked this agri-pastoralist, producer of improved seeds to get together with other producers of improved seeds across the country to help the population especially that of the different villages for the development of agriculture and livestock.

He finally advised the people to ask each time for advice on the practices and techniques of agriculture and animal husbandry from that seed producer. He indicated that he will ask the Minister in charge of Agriculture and Livestock to organize a visit to that farmer from Kiyange in Kibago commune in the near future.

Note that this agri-pastoralist was awarded by the provincial administration during the ceremonies of the celebration of the 59th anniversary of the independence of Burundi.

In Kirundo (north), in her 5-day visit to Kirundo province, the first deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Mrs. Sabine Ntakarutimana, paid a visit to the hill irrigation projects, the cultivation and processing of the medicinal plant Moringa in Yaranda village of Kirundo commune. The initiator of those projects is a young doctor in agri food system, Valence Ndayisenga, a graduate of the University of the Sacred Heart in Italy and a native of the same village of Yaranda.

The first deputy Speaker of the National Assembly then held a meeting for the heads of provincial services, administrators of Kirundo, Bugabira and Ntega communes and leaders of political parties to discuss the development of Kirundo province.

In Muramvya (center-west), the 2nd deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr. Abel Gashatsi, on parliamentary recess, continued on Tuesday his raids in the municipalities of Muramvya province where he joined the people in community service. In Bukeye commune where he was accompanied of the chief of staff of the governor of Muramvya and the administrator of Bukeye, Mr. Gashatsi participated in community work related to the clearing of land slipped into the gutters of National Road No. 2 at the level from the sub-village Bukwavu from the village and Busangana zone.

After those maintenance works of the RN2, the communal administrator of Bukeye and the chief of staff of the governor of Muramvya respectively commends the fact that the 2nd deputy Speaker of the National Assembly has planned in his parliamentary recess to join to the people of his province in the work of common interests in the different communes.

The governor’s chief of staff invited the people of Bukeye to invest in peace and security. “The development work you do in the cooperatives, the harvests you have had, everything is in vain without peace and security, hence you are called upon to strengthen the joint security committees.”

As for the 2nd deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, he recalled that he once again came to join the people of Bukeye commune while the MPs and senators are on parliamentary recess. During the holidays, the deputies and senators do not go there to sleep at home but it is another opportunity to change activities in order to visit those who elected them, to see together the challenges that haunt them in the daily.

He invited the Burundians as a whole to reconcile, to fight against poverty and hunger as well as to work for the strengthening of unity and peace, sources of security for the country.