• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The appeal made by the Head of State to raise rabbits has been understood


Nov 17, 2023

BURURI November 17th (ABP) – Administrative officials and those responsible for decentralized services have indeed responded to the appeal made by the Head of State to raise rabbits. The hutch construction work has been completed everywhere a check by ABP passed by.

For the provincial governor’s office, the provincial police station, the provincial education directorate, the Tora tea complex and the boarding schools, the work has been completed and the rabbits are already installed there. The governor’s office built a six-rabbit bloc, as well as the DPE Bururi. OTB Tora in Mugamba Commune built a hutch for four rabbits, Tora high school a six-rabbit hutch, Rumeza high school in Commune Songa ten rabbits, ETS Kiryama 20 rabbits, Kiremba south high school six rabbits, Rubanga high school in Matana Commune four rabbits, Bururi high school 15 rabbits. Boarding schools have advantages because the rabbits eat the leftovers from the refectory.

SL: abp lb/and TL: wv NOVEMBER 23