• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

School officials are called on to improve academic results


Nov 8, 2023

BURURI November 6th (ABP) – The lack of teachers, infrastructure, laboratory equipment, the movement of inspectors and the accumulation of functions of certain school directors are the main causes of academic failure in Bururi province, that was said on Wednesday in Matana in a meeting that the DPE Bururi organized for local supervisors (school directors and inspectors), a check on the site by ABP has revealed. Antoine Nsabiyumva provincial director of education in Bururi indicated that despite multiple efforts by partners and natives of the Bururi province, academic results are not at all satisfactory, especially in external evaluations. In the national competition for the 9th year, the province occupies the last places. The DPE clarified that that current year, things are likely to become more complicated as 298 teachers have retired and have not yet been replaced. Volunteer and part-time teachers are not distributed across all establishments and their knowledge remains to be proven, said the DPE. He added that some teachers fail to complete the programs others do not give assessment tests. He asked all school officials to make efforts to improve academic results for that year.