• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Delivery of patents and definitive incorporation


Mar 29, 2024

BURURI March 28th (ABP) – The Head of the National Defense Force of Burundi, General Prime Niyongabo proceeded on Tuesday, March 27, 2024, at the Bururi military camp, to the presentation of certificates to 202 winners of the 51st session of the non-commissioned officer candidates, 62 deputy platoon leader candidates, 43 nurses from the military paramedical school and the final incorporation of 242 non-commissioned officer candidates from the 52nd session, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

Lieutenant-Colonel Jean Bosco Bazombanza, commander of the NCO school, asked military officials to grant an ambulance which will transfer patients to Bujumbura because the Bururi hospital requires payment of fuel and expenses mission of nurses, even though that is not planned. The commander of the NCO school also requested the deployment of a doctor to Camp Bururi for female instructors, a truck which will ensure the supply of food to military positions and the delivery of computer machines.

General Prime Niyongabo, head of the FDNB, indicated that the training of new recruits requires a lot of technically qualified financial and human resources. He advised the awardees to always be characterized by discipline, patriotism, loyalty and esprit de corps. He said that the military profession is different from others because a soldier must have the spirit of a martyr, to consolidate the sovereignty and independence of the nation. Note that prizes were awarded to soldiers and instructors who behaved well during training and in inter-session competitions.