• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Road Safety

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  • Users of the RN7 are calling for it to be maintained in the locality of Ruko

Users of the RN7 are calling for it to be maintained in the locality of Ruko

BURURI, May 29th (ABP) – Users of the national road number seven (RN7) Bujumbura-Rutana are asking for it to be maintained in the locality of Ruko in the commune of…

Road safety should be everyone’s concern

BUBANZA, February 15th (ABP) – The biker parking committees in the province of Bubanza (North-West of Burundi) are called upon to get involved effectively in the eradication of overcrowding and…

Residents complain of muddy and almost impassable streets in neighborhoods

CANKUZO December 10th (ABP) – Residents of the provincial capital Cankuzo complain that the streets are almost impassable in the rainy season following the water which stagnates in the main…

Need for a policy with an integrated approach to reduce road accidents

BUJUMBURA, October 9th (ABP) – The national observatory of elections and organizations for progress (ONELOP-Burundi), in collaboration with the joint committee which has members from sectoral government ministries such as…

Road signs are necessary to curb road accidents

RUTANA August 24th (ABP) – Road accidents have been occurring on the roads of Rutana province in these days, participants reported during a meeting held on Monday, August 21, 2023,…

The administration explained the measure delimiting the access area to drivers of bicycles, motorcycles and tricycles

BUJUMBURA March 4th (ABP) – The administrators of Mukaza and Ntahangwa communes and road safety officials brought together, on Wednesday March 3, the drivers of bicycles, motorcycles and tricycles (Tuk-tuks)…

Motorcycle-taxi riders are called on to respect the traffic laws in their work

RUMONGE February 21st (ABP) – The governor of Rumonge province (south-west of Burundi), Mr. Consolateur Nitunga, held a meeting he organized on Tuesday, February 14th, 2022 in collaboration with police…

Launch of rehabilitation works on the RN3

RUMONGE November 26th (ABP) –Official launch on Thursday, November 25 in Rutunga of rehabilitation works on the RN3: Rumonge-Gitaza section. The ceremonies were enhanced by the presence of the Prime…

The traffic lights recently installed in the city of Bujumbura show a significant dysfunction

BUJUMBURA September 21st (ABP) – The city of Bujumbura has, through a Chinese company, Sinohydro Tianjin and with funding from the African Development Bank (AfDB), installed traffic lights since 2017…