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Day: February 22, 2024

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  • The Moonshot program for 40,000 young and female entrepreneurs has been launched

The Moonshot program for 40,000 young and female entrepreneurs has been launched

BUJUMBURA, February 22nd (ABP) – The Ministry of Trade, Transport, Industry and Tourism, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), organized on February 20, 2024, a dialogue for…

Interactive role of civil society in implementing sustainable development goal

BUJUMBURA, February 21 (ABP) – The Assistant Secretary-General, Assistant Administrator and Director of the Regional Office for Africa at UNDP, Mrs. Ahunna Eziakonwa, brought together on Tuesday, February 20, 2024,…

The growing season B is in full swing in Karusi

KARUSI, February 22nd, (ABP) – It is time to start the growing season B, according to the director of the Provincial Office of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock, Jean Séverin…

Vaccination of calves against theileriosis disease

NGOZI, February 22nd (ABP) – The NGO ACORD has carried out vaccination against theileriosis disease since last Friday. This activity, which is carried out as part of the Accelerated Innovation…

CENI members and support staff are equipped with election education for the 2025 elections

BUJUMBURA, February 22nd (ABP) – The Independent National Election Commission (CENI) of Burundi has organized since Tuesday February 20, 2024 a four-day seminar-workshop to equip members and support staff of…

Call for the involvement of all in the purchase and sale of the maize harvest at the price set by the State

BUBANZA, February 22nd (ABP) – The governor of Bubanza province, Mr. Cléophas Nizigiyimana, calls on administrators, law enforcement and those responsible for the field of Agriculture and Livestock in that…

Provincial leaders deplore cases of theft of nutritional inputs from health centers

CANKUZO, February 22nd (ABP) – The health centers of Cankuzo, Rusigabangazi and many others in the health province of Cankuzo (eastern Burundi) are among the targets of theft of nutritional…

The handball championship has ended

BURURI, February 22nd (ABP) – The final of the national handball championship for girls and boys, took place on Sunday February 18, 2024 at the Rutovu games field, in Bururi…