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Day: February 21, 2024

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  • The President of the Republic has released prisoners prosecuted for misdemeanors

The President of the Republic has released prisoners prosecuted for misdemeanors

RUTANA, February 21st (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, proceeded, on Monday February 19, 2024, to the release of one hundred and fifty-eight prisoners…

The Speaker of the National Assembly calls on the people of Rutegama to work to combat poverty

MURAMVYA, February 21st (ABP) – The Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr. Daniel Gélase Ndabirabe, calls on the general population to work hard to exploit arable land in order to…

The 2nd deputy speaker of the National Assembly, in Rugazi commune for community development work

BUBANZA, February 21th (ABP) – The second deputy speaker of the National Assembly, Abel Gashatsi, joined forces on Saturday February 17 with the inhabitants of Rugazi commune in Bubanza province…

Presentation of the annual activity report of the CNIDH, in front of the National Assembly

BUJUMBURA, February 21st (ABP) – The Independent National Human Rights Commission (CNIDH) proceeded, on Monday February 19, 2024, in the Kigobe hemicycle, to the presentation of the annual activity report,…

APPBU requests facilitation for the supply of sugar, fuel and firewood in order to properly produce bread on a daily basis

BUJUMBURA, February 21st (ABP) – Members of the Association of Artisanal Bread Producers of Burundi (APPBU) ask the ministries in charge of Trade, Environment and Hydraulics to facilitate their supply…

The Burundian ombudsman has partaken in pothole-filling work in Kigamba commune

CANKUZO, February 21st (ABP) – The Burundian ombudsman, Mrs. Aimee Laurentine Kanyana, joined forces on Saturday February 17 with the people of Buyongwe II village, in Kigamba commune of Cankuzo…