• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

CENI members and support staff are equipped with election education for the 2025 elections


Feb 22, 2024

BUJUMBURA, February 22nd (ABP) – The Independent National Election Commission (CENI) of Burundi has organized since Tuesday February 20, 2024 a four-day seminar-workshop to equip members and support staff of the CENI with election education for the 2025 elections.

In his opening remarks, the Chairperson of the CENI, Mr. Prosper Ntahorwamiye, recalled that elections are an important aspect of democracy and a process of choosing people who represent the people in institutions, through an election system established and defined in the laws of the country.

In his presentation, Mr. Ntahorwamiye focused on two points, namely the election cycle and election systems.

For the election cycle, he indicated that it has three phases, including the pre-election phase, the election phase and the post-election phase.

                                                                                 View of the seminar-workshop attendees

As for the objectives of the election system, he said that this system aims to ensure a representative assembly, facilitate and accredit elections, contribute to the development, management and resolution of conflicts in the country concerned, and promote the stability.

At the end of the seminar-workshop, the members and support staff of the CENI will have a common understanding of the different themes which will be developed in the conduct of the election process, according to the chairman of the CENI.

“At least all CENI staff, especially those who will be called upon to teach decentralized structures at the provincial level (CEPI) and at the district level (CECI), can be sufficiently equipped to properly teach and supervise the election process,” declared Mr. Ntahorwamiye.

Note that on that occasion, the Chairman of the CENI did not fail to emphasize that the CENI will take into account the lessons learned in the 2020 election process.