• Mon. May 13th, 2024

Drug consumption has taken a worrying pace at Nyakabiga


Jan 15, 2024

BUJUMBURA, January 14th (ABP) – Parents living in the Nyakabiga II and Nyakabiga III neighborhoods of the Mukaza commune in Bujumbura city are worried about their children who have devoted themselves to an alcoholic life.

In that neighborhood, particularly on 5th and 6th avenues, one can see groups of young people sitting in front of shops and bars, with cigarettes in hand and beer bottles placed on the ground. Other information sources announce that those young people consume other types of illegal drugs and drinks such as hemp, powdered drugs and drinks recently banned from marketing which are consumed in camera.

Those groups are made up of young unemployed graduates in the pre-noon hours and during the afternoons as well as those who are still at school.

Some of those drug users met in Nyakabiga III quarter admit that alcohol is taken as their remedy or relief from a difficult life due to the moment of idleness they undergo.

Parents in that neighborhood fear that once this phenomenon persists there will be more cases of banditry and violence because drugs and alcoholism lead their children to delinquency.

Mrs. Gloriose Niyimpaye, responsible for psychological assistance, explains that the influence of the group on the use of stimulants, unemployment, the lack of parent-child dialogue and poor living conditions in families (quarrels, fights, etc.) are at the basis of this phenomenon. “The list of consequences on the life of the country in general and families in particular is not exhaustive. Families are subject to theft of various materials which are sold to enable them to buy this alcohol. Others abandon their studies because school supervision is a burden to them, and their future life will not be better. We will soon see banditry and other violence if there is no change,” she added.

She suggests that families strengthen dialogue and the creation of affection so that the child is not bored by his or her family members. She also suggests to the competent authorities that they ensure that this phenomenon is eradicated throughout the country.

Nyakabiga zone leader Gervais Ndihokubwayo also affirms that despite his efforts, drug consumption is still a reality in his zone. He announced that he is working together with the police to combat that phenomenon. It is in that context that he calls on the entire population, especially that of Nyakabiga, not to remain silent when drug use manifests itself, whether in the open or in secret.