• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Celebration of World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, 2024 edition


May 10, 2024

BUJUMBURA, May 10th (ABP) – The Burundi Red Cross celebrated, Wednesday, May 8, 2024, in Bujumbura, the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, under the central theme “Bringing our humanity to life”.

In his speech, the Secretary General of the Burundi Red Cross, Mr. Anselme Katiyunguruza, recalled that that day is celebrated at a time when Burundi is among the 20 countries most affected by disasters. Recently, meteorological experts announced that Burundi, like other countries in the Horn of Africa and the East, will experience the El-Nino phenomenon. A phenomenon which results in above-normal rainfall. Since October 2023, our country has been experiencing that phenomenon and will continue until the end of the first half of May, 2024, he noted. Mr. Katiyunguruza indicated that the harmful consequences of those disasters were not long in manifesting themselves. He noted among others, the landslide and landslide in Gabaniro and Kijejeti in the current province of Rumonge, the floods in certain provinces such as Cibitoke, Bubanza, Bujumbura and others, the destruction of houses, fields and other goods.

He also specified that the rising water levels of Lake Tanganyika is also another factor which has aggravated the situation. The inhabitants of the large part of the coastline of that lake, namely Gatumba, Rumonge and Nyanza-Lac, are in desolation and do not see what to do in the face of the increasing rise in the waters of that lake, he said.

“In all those circumstances, Burundi Red Cross volunteers give themselves body and soul to help the most affected people in need. It is humanity that is involved. They first come to alert the danger threatening the community and intervene when that threat has already fallen on the community,” said Mr. Katiyunguruza.

The Red Cross movement in Burundi reiterates its commitment to contributing to emergency assistance and the recovery of communities hit by various disasters and in strict compliance with the fundamental principles which govern humanitarian actions, he said.

As for the head of mission and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Mr. Olivier Haringanji, he noted that currently, the world is facing disasters of all kinds; whether it concerns epidemics; severe weather events or painful armed conflicts. Faced with all those hazards, he said, Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers are working to ensure humanity prevails. He added that May 8 Day is therefore an opportunity to celebrate the humanitarian spirit and pay tribute to people who make a difference in their community to alleviate the suffering plaguing the community.

Supported by his partners, in that case the partners of the Red Cross Movement, Mr. Haringanji announced that to face the effects of climate change, the Burundi Red Cross has adopted the objective of preparing communities to better manage disaster situations. That fits well with its strategic plan, which aims to be inclusive of the mobilization of communities, the administration and all legal entities of good will in prevention or mitigation actions.

That includes support with food and non-food items, the supply of drinking water, the cleaning of gutters, the drawing of contour lines, etc. Mr. Haringanji indicated that throughout the month of April, the Burundi Red Cross carried out a campaign to revitalize, create and operationalize the Committees.

The Burundi Red Cross and the ICRC thank the partners of the CCRRC movement as well as the volunteers for their unwavering support which has always characterized them.