• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The First Lady received in audience the chairperson of the institute for women’s health


May 10, 2024

BUJUMBURA, May 8th (ABP) – The First Lady of the Republic of Burundi Angeline Ndayishimiye received in audience on Monday May 6, 2024 in her office, the chairperson of the Institute for Women’s Health, Mrs. Valérie Huber.

At the end of the audience, Mrs. Huber told the press that they discussed the areas of intervention of the Institute for Women’s Health based in the United States of America. She recalled that these activities include, among other things, the promotion of well-being and good health for girls and women as well as the promotion of good relationships between parents and children.

                                                                                                                The First Lady (right) and the regional president of the Gofresh company

Mrs. Huber hopes that the “Bonne Action Umugiraneza “foundation, chaired by the first lady of the Republic of Burundi, will follow in the footsteps of the Institute for Women’s Health by including in its activities the promotion of the well-being and good health of girls and women. women especially in the fight against abortion which is an act which is harmful to the health of girls and women. She did not forget to point out that despite the international rights which support abortion, there was a consensus in Geneva of countries which fight against abortion.

For her part, First Lady Ndayishimiye promised that the “Bonne Action Umugiraneza “foundation supports the idea of fighting against abortion because according to her, “voluntary abortion is a crime, it is even contrary to the word of God.” She specified that activities aimed at fighting this scourge will be organized in Burundi, also explaining that it is an act which is dangerous to the health of girls and women.

Burundi First Lady also received the regional president of the Gofresh company, Mr. Chen Bang Ping, who controls the activities of the said company in Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Senegal.

At the end of the hearing, Mrs. Ndayishimiye announced that the regional president of the company Gofresh had come to Burundi to inquire about the progress of the work of the said company. On the sidelines of this visit to the Umugiraneza Good Action Foundation, it is a way of strengthening the relations that exist between the Umugiraneza Good Action Foundation and the Gofresh company, explaining that this company supports the activities carried out by the “Bonne Action Umugiraneza “foundation. It is also a means of strengthening the relations of friendship and cooperation that exist between China and Burundi.

The regional president of the Gofresh company, for his part, took advantage of this opportunity to invite members of the Umugiraneza good action foundation to visit the headquarters of the Gofresh company in China, an invitation that the First Lady accepted.