• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The President of the Republic has released prisoners prosecuted for misdemeanors


Feb 21, 2024

RUTANA, February 21st (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, proceeded, on Monday February 19, 2024, to the release of one hundred and fifty-eight prisoners from the central prison of Rutana prosecuted for minor offenses, a check by ABP revealed.

During his speech, the Attorney General of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Léonard Manirakiza, reported that this activity was organized in response to the President of the Republic’s call to release detainees prosecuted for misdemeanors. According to him, one hundred and eighty-four prisoners of all those who were released are among those who committed minor offenses, specifying that three hundred and sixty-four others are those who have completed a quarter of the duration of incarceration.

For the group of prisoners who had already completed a quarter of their prison term following their conviction, but who had not yet paid the fines imposed on them, they will pay the latter, he added.

Mr. Manirakiza appealed to outgoing prisoners to behave well in their neighborhoods as well as in their families, so as not to be imprisoned again.

As for the number one of Burundi, who led a moralizing session for the released prisoners, he called on them and other Burundians, in general, to be concerned not only by their rights, but also by their homework. All Burundian citizens are called upon to respect others, said the Head of State.

President Ndayishimiye recalled that Burundians must work so that “we achieve the vision of Burundi as an emerging country in 2040”. For this reason, he clarified that being in prison constitutes a loss because the concerned does not work, while they should be productive. With this in mind, he urged prisoners who were going to return to their families to work hard to contribute to development.

For residents who suffered bad actions from those prisoners, the Head of State called on them to avoid revenge, but rather to forgive them in order to be able to live in harmony and work for development