• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The 2nd deputy speaker of the National Assembly, in Rugazi commune for community development work


Feb 21, 2024

BUBANZA, February 21th (ABP) – The second deputy speaker of the National Assembly, Abel Gashatsi, joined forces on Saturday February 17 with the inhabitants of Rugazi commune in Bubanza province (north-west of Burundi) in community development work consisting of rehabilitating the road linking Muzinda to the headquarters of Rugazi commune, and planting agro-forestry trees, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The communal administrator of Rugazi, Mr. Isaac Nyandwi, said that this road linking Muzinda to the headquarters of the commune was destroyed by torrential rains which fell in recent days in that commune.

This rain also damaged fields, bridges and drinking water pipes. It also resulted in the demise of one person and left three others injured.

On that occasion, Mr. Nyandwi requested material support for the rehabilitation of all those damaged public infrastructures, a check by ABP revealed.

In his speech, the second deputy speaker of the National Assembly called on the inhabitants of the Rugazi commune to brotherhood, solidarity, respect for the authorities and the proper functioning of the quadrilogy for tightening security, a major pillar of the sustainable development and well-being. He also invited the people to team up into self-development cooperatives and to pay the taxes which allow the implementation of development projects of which they are the first beneficiaries.

Mr. Gashatsi urged the general population to concentrate efforts on education because, he said, school is the source of the country’s future elites.

Note that the second deputy speaker of the National Assembly was the envoy of the President of the Republic of Burundi in that community development work.