• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Day: June 6, 2023

The Aigle Noir team has won the President’s Cup at the expense of Bumamuru FC BUJUMBURA June 6th (ABP) – The 2023 edition of the President’s Cup final took place…

The United Methodist Church claims its plots grabbed in Mishiha and Kigamba communes

CANKUZO May 6th (ABP) – The President of the Senate at the same time legal representative of the United Methodist Church, Mr. Emmanuel Sinzohagera, requests the intervention of the governor…

The Speaker of the National Assembly recommends the establishment of child care committees

KAYANZA June 6th (ABP) – The Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr. Daniel Gélase Ndabirabe, joined on Saturday, June 3, 2023, the inhabitants of the Kayanza commune and province (north),…

Swearing in of five members of the CNIDH and 16 new members of the Court of Auditors

BUJUMBURA June 6th (ABP) – The members of the National Independent Commission for Human Rights (CNIDH) and those of the newly appointed Court of Auditors were sworn in on Monday,…

People are called on to work ardently for an emerging Burundi

MAKAMBA June 6th (ABP) – Burundi Ombudsman Aimée Laurentine Kanyana joined on Saturday the 3rd the people of Makamba province in Mabanda commune in community development work which consisted of…

The mayors of the cities of the Great Lakes countries undertake to support women small cross-border traders

BUJUMBURA June 6th (ABP) – The mayors and representatives of the cities of the Great Lakes countries, gathered in the City Council, around the theme: cities and living together: 10…

The MEDREX exercise has ended

BUJUMBURA June 6th (ABP) – The two-week experience exchange work between the US Army Medical Delegation and the personnel of the Kamenge Military Hospital (HMK), MEDREX, was closed on Friday,…

COGERCO is in its revitalization phase

BUJUMBURA June 6th (ABP) – The general manager of the cotton management company (COGERCO), Mr. Gustave Majambere, said during a press conference held on Monday, June 5, 2023, for media…

The Plantwise project has once more organized phytosanitary campaigns

BUJUMBURA June 6th (ABP) – Plantwise Burundi, the program implemented by CABI in partnership with ISABU which aims to help farmers increase their food security and improve rural livelihoods by…

Association management training KAYANZA June 6th (ABP) – The lack of vision in the management of associations is one of the obstacles facing associations, which has a negative impact on…