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Day: December 27, 2022

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  • Universities of Burundi partially comply with regional standards and guidelines for the Faculty of Medicine

Universities of Burundi partially comply with regional standards and guidelines for the Faculty of Medicine

BUJUMBURA December 27th (ABP) – During the Cabinet Meeting held on December 21, 2022, a Note on the inspection of Faculties of Medicine of Burundi by the East African Community…

Universities with Faculty of Medicine are called upon to comply with EAC standards

BUJUMBURA December 27th (ABP) – A Note on the inspection of Faculties of Medicine of Burundi by the East African Community was analyzed during the Cabinet Meeting held on October…

Neighborhood leaders are called on to consolidate unity and work in synergy

BUJUMBURA December 27th (ABP) – The administrator of Mukaza commune in Bujumbura City, Rénovat Sindayihebura, brought together on Monday, December 26, 2022, at the Islamic cultural center of Bujumbura, administrative…

Users of the Ruvubu swamps are urged not to waste the maize harvest

KAYANZA December 27th (ABP) – Users of the Ruvubu swamp located in Muruta commune of Kayanza province (north) are called upon to manage production well, especially by stopping the phenomenon…

The Prime Minister of the Republic has harvested potatoes in Ndora

CIBITOKE December 27th (ABP) – Along with his family and neighbors, the Prime Minister of the Republic, Mr. Gervais Ndirakobuca proceeded on Saturday, December 24, 2022, to the harvest of…

Women from Ngozi appreciate improved business governance

NGOZI December 27th (ABP) – Women entrepreneurs supervised by the Association of Businesswomen of Burundi (AFAB), are delighted with a visible improvement in good governance in business that is currently…

The Bene Samuragwa group has granted 93 bags of cement to the provincial police station

MURAMVYA December 27th (ABP) – The Bene Samuragwa group, which operates via social media, accompanied by the general manager of the Green World company, Mrs. Gérardine Nzeyimana, granted on Saturday,…