• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Neighborhood leaders are called on to consolidate unity and work in synergy


Dec 27, 2022

BUJUMBURA December 27th (ABP) – The administrator of Mukaza commune in Bujumbura City, Rénovat Sindayihebura, brought together on Monday, December 26, 2022, at the Islamic cultural center of Bujumbura, administrative officials at all levels to discuss life of the municipality, on the challenges encountered during the achievement of the objectives they have set themselves as well as on the prospects for the future, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The administrator Sindayihebura indicated having organized that evaluation meeting in accordance with article 17 paragraph 20 of the law governing the communes, which stipulates that the communal administrator organizes an ordinary meeting twice a year for the different stakeholders in the life of the municipality, with a view to self-assessment.

That meeting was attended by municipal and village councilors, leaders of zones, neighborhoods and ten households, village notables, leaders of political parties working in the urban commune of Mukaza, representatives of civil society and religious denominations as well as natives of the urban commune of Mukaza.

On that occasion, he pointed out that the achievements of that commune relate to the various fields, namely administration, politics, health, security, development, the environment and society.

                                                                                                View of the participants

At the level of the administration, Mr. Sindayihebura indicated that a lot of meetings were organized within the framework of sensitizing the administrative officials to serve their people well and to give an appropriate value to the leaders of the ten households who, in turn, must work in close collaboration with the leaders of the neighborhoods for the information to be transmitted to the people in time. On the political level, he said that the cohabitation between the approved political parties is going well, which is explained by the fact that they hold meetings in security, in particular the UPRONA, CNL and CNDD-FDD parties which are visible on the field. To that end, he called on other political parties working in Mukaza commune to organize their meetings before the election period.

In terms of security, that municipal authority thanked the police who are constantly doing everything to restore order. He also thanked them for the work of removing children and beggars from the streets as well as the fight against prohibited drinks and drugs in Mukaza commune.

Regarding the environment, it has been observed that it is street children who steal the lids of public trash cans. The municipality is working to raise funds so that those garbage cans can be rehabilitated, administrator Sindayihebura said.

At the level of the economy, Mr. Sindayihebura deplored that taxpayers do not pay rental and property taxes as well as the tax on activity as it should. He asked administrative officials to sensitize all taxpayers to pay taxes and duties by their own will to achieve inclusive development and the well-being of the people.

The participants in the meeting raised some challenges that are observed at the level of administration. These include the disagreement between the leaders of neighborhoods and village notables. They mentioned that some village councilors and village notables do not receive an incentive bonus when they meet for subjects relating to their terms of reference.

The administrator of the urban commune of Mukaza called on the administrative officials in the different quarters to consolidate unity and work in synergy for the welfare of the people. He called on the village notables to do their work as a vocation instead of always thinking about the reward.

It is worthy to note that the administrator Sindayihebura chaired that meeting in collaboration with the deputy leader of the communal council of Mukaza and the communal police commissioner.