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Day: June 21, 2022

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  • The Head of State has made a trip to Nairobi

The Head of State has made a trip to Nairobi

BUJUMBURA June 21st (ABP) – At the invitation of his counterpart from the Republic of Kenya, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, the President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye flew…

The presidential couple has participated in the Sunday celebration at the “Esprit de Sagesse” parish

BUJUMBURA June 21st (ABP) – The presidential couple joined, on Sunday, June 19, 2022, the Christians of the “Esprit de Sagesse” parish of Mutanga Sud in Bujumbura City Council, during…

The national thanksgiving prayer for the 2nd anniversary of the inauguration of the Head of State has ended

MURAMVYA June 21st (ABP) – The presidential family organized from June 16 to 18, 2022, respectively at the parish of Muramvya and at the Royal Stadium in the capital of…

Compliance with standards and certification, an imperative in food production

GITEGA June 21st (ABP) – The effective decentralization of the activities of the Ministry of Trade, Transport, Industry and Tourism is necessary for the supervision of cooperatives in the agri-food…

Hygiene, priority in the week dedicated to the protection of the environment in Mukaza commune

BUJUMBURA June 21st (ABP) – In order to raise awareness among the population of the urban commune of Mukaza on the importance of environmental protection, a week dedicated to environmental…

Skyrocketing prices for rabbits and chickens

KAYANZA June 21st (ABP) – The sale and purchase prices of rabbits and hens have experienced an extraordinary rise in Kayanza commune and province (northern Burundi) since the adoption of…

Presentation of certificates to young activists of the CNDD-FDD party in Mwaro

MWARO June 20th (ABP) – The Secretary General of the ruling party Mr. Réverien Ndikuriyo presented on Friday, June 17, 2022 in Mwaro, certificates to the 308 young militants of…

University students are called on to be messengers of peace and reconciliation

BUJUMBURA June 20th (ABP) – The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) organized on Friday June 17, 2022, a public conference for the student community of the University of the Great…

Adoption of two bills on a financing agreement between Burundi and IFAD

BUJUMBURA June 20th (ABP) – The MPs of the National Assembly unanimously adopted, on Friday June 17, 2022, during a plenary session, two bills, on the ratification by the Republic…

All Burundians are called upon to contribute to the protection of children

BUJUMBURA June 20th (ABP) – 919 children were victims of harmful practices affecting children last year, announced Mr. Yves Ishimwe, in charge of programs at the National Federation of Associations…