• Thu. May 2nd, 2024

The Association of Women Journalists has joined others in celebrating International Women’s Day


Mar 9, 2022

BUJUMBURA March 9th (ABP) – On the occasion of the celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8, 2022, which coincides with the 25th anniversary of the Association of Women Journalists (AFJO), the latter released a statement relating to this day on March 7, 2022.

In that declaration, the AFJO indicates that it has been committed for twenty-five years to promoting the rights of women in general and those of women journalists in particular, through communication and media actions. She has contributed in particular to the training of journalists on gender in the media, to media production for and by women, to advocacy and communication to improve the image and place of women in the media, to the strengthening of partnerships for consideration of gender, the fight against gender-based violence, the consolidation of peace and the promotion of female leadership.

Despite those actions, the AFJO notes that the voice of women remains a minority in the media, that subjects related to sexual and gender-based violence are not sufficiently covered by the media and that some women flee the mic again. She also notes the persistence of sexist stereotypes in the media. Some media broadcast songs that incite gender-based violence and the phenomenon of harassment in the workplace is observed. Young journalists need capacity building in journalism-related topics, including gender-sensitive journalism.

To overcome those challenges, the AFJO asks the government to revise the law on the press by integrating gender aspects and dimensions, to support the media through the media support fund, while taking into account the needs of men and women and to take account of gender equity in communication and media programs.

It asks media managers to put in place a code of conduct to prevent harassment in the workplace, to consider men and women on an equal footing in the collection, processing and dissemination of information and not to broadcast programs that incite violence.

The AFJO asks women and girl journalists to demonstrate professionalism in their work and to contribute to the promotion of female leadership in the media.