• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The inhabitants of Kayanza are called upon to protect the national heritage instead of getting involved in fraud


Apr 30, 2024

KAYANZA, April 30th (ABP) – The deputy secretary general of the CNDD-FDD party, Cyriaque Nshimirimana, joined the people of the Kayanza commune and province (northern Burundi) on Saturday 27 April in community work which consisted of maintaining the perimeter of the Gatwaro stadium using quarries and plugging the potholes in the street leading to the stadium, according to local sources.

In his welcoming speech, the Governor of Kayanza, Colonel Rémy Cishahayo, expressed his satisfaction that maize production had been very good and that the province had already collected 6 billion BIF through the purchase of that production by the National Agency for Strategic Stock and Food Security (ANAGESSA). He also welcomed the measure recently taken by the CNDD-FDD party’s national committee to include avocado as one of Burundi’s industrial crops. He called on the people of that province to take a liking to that crop.

Taking the floor in his turn, the Deputy Secretary General of the CNDD-FDD party invited the population to look back at the past so that no Burundian would be killed or forced into exile.

According to him, the fruits of peace are development, not aid. Development also means equitable sharing of the country’s wealth and assets, he said, giving as examples easy access to health care and subsidised fertilisers.

                        View of the participants in the development works

Mr. Nshimirimana also stressed that development comes from the people, not from outsiders, and he called for good cooperation between family members to ensure that their basic needs and those of their children are met. He also urged the Burundian people to get actively involved in livestock farming.

Given that Kayanza province borders Rwanda, Mr. Nshimirimana urged those in charge in various sectors, as well as the population, not to get involved in mineral and coffee fraud, because, he pointed out, the Burundian constitution stipulates that all Burundians are called upon to protect the national heritage.

Anyone who facilitates or allows fraud to take place is only betraying the country”, he insisted, warning that those involved would have to be severely punished.