• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Young people united in a cooperative created a restaurant and a health pharmacy


Jan 24, 2024

BUJUMBURA January 24th (ABP) – In the Rohero II district, in Mukaza commune, Bujumbura city, opposite Independence Boulevard, there is a dietary cooperative called Abarindiriye (CDA) of young people who have come together to undertake, we observed on the ground, Wednesday, January 17, 2024.

The “Abarindiriye” cooperative mainly runs a health restaurant with different dishes including fruits of various kinds, soup, herbal teas and so on. for breakfast, the buffet and salads which are always available for lunch, as well as herbal teas, soup, vegetable milk and fruit for the evening. They also serve pizzas, cakes and other baked goods.

The CDA also offers a number of services including nutritional advice, the sale of natural therapeutic products and training on preventive and curative nutrition.

According to Nzeyimana Cyriaque, executive secretary of the said cooperative, the CDA was set up as part of the contribution to the fight against diseases due to nutritional involvement such as obesity, hypertension, certain cancers, cavities dental, diabetes and so on.

According to him, some 250 members came together to achieve that end. “That restaurant and health pharmacy is our first step. We have other projects under study such as the creation of microfinance, the construction of a school of excellence which will deal with food science (bromatology),” revealed the executive secretary of the CDA.

The “Abarindiriye” Dietary Cooperative has hired many people in different departments of the restaurant as indicated by the secretary. He also made it known that the influence of that restaurant is not negligible for the inhabitants of that locality. He asks the government to facilitate the conditions required to access credit because they need sufficient funds for the importation of machines for processing products and other needs of the cooperative.

It should be noted that the Abarindiriye diet cooperative, CDA has been serving since August last year.