• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Grumbles from pig butchers at Nyabiraba market


Feb 6, 2024

BUJUMBURA February 1st (ABP) – Pig butchers are grumbling and demanding to be treated like their colleagues who slaughter cows. According to them, they are hit daily by rain and sun.

In an interview given to the ABP last Friday, they indicated that they do not have a meat display shed and their fellow cow butchers do not allow them to sell pork meat alongside that of cows. They ask the municipal administration to grant them well-covered places so that their customers can stock up even when it rains, given that they pay the slaughter tax at the rate of 4 thousand Fbu per pig.

Contacted on this the administrator of Nyabiraba Mr. Michel Mpitabakana, he reassures them and affirms that they will be among the beneficiaries of the places in the new modern market under construction.

The Nyabiraba market is cramped and is not well covered, it was noted. Many traders are faced with this problem of lack of shops and covered places and some display their goods on the ground along the RN7, which is the cause of road accidents in that locality.