GITEGA January 25th (ABP) – The three-day prayer of thanksgiving organized by the CNDD-FDD party in Gitega, ended on Saturday, January 22, 2022, in the presence of the Burundian Head of State, Mr. Évariste Ndayishimiye and other senior officials in the country.
In his closing speech, Mr. Ndayishimiye warned the managers of public affairs, irreducible to moral change to better serve the people, to see themselves dismissed from now on. He announced that “They are normally called on to be like good shepherds, but curiously there are some among them who starve their sheep instead of fattening them,” he used a metaphor.

Mr. Ndayishimiye said that we want Burundi to regain its splendor such as the Almighty had given it to benefit from its creation, specifying that this will only be possible if the country’s executives are animated by a spirit of lead the people on the path of development.
To the heads of state or semi-state companies, the President of the Republic asked them to manage them as a good father rather than sinking them into bankruptcy. He recommended that they win by the sweat of their brow, while pointing out that those who violate this injunction will face ruthless punishment. Ill-gotten gains end up disappearing, he winked at them.
Mr. Ndayishimiye was also indignant at economic operators who enrich themselves on the back of the country and turn to foreign countries to invest there. It is a sign of lack of patriotism which hurts the development of the country, he pointed out.
In addition, the Head of State called on all Burundians to bury forever the hatchet of war to align Burundi alongside emerging countries.
This is possible because the Almighty has endowed Burundi with blessings, he said, citing among other things the dedication of its people, the varied skills of its civil servants, its strategic position in the African continent, moderate rainfall, clear water, fertile soil, rich subsoil; in short, a verdant country that would be described as an earthly paradise, he boasted.
Addressing the leaders of political parties, the Head of State recommended maintaining good relations with other parties. As for the latter, he asked to be advisers to the government rather than tripping up his actions.
To conclude, Mr. Ndayishimiye persuaded the audience with the assurance that everyone’s trust in God will lead them to flood Burundi with blessings and shine in the concert of nations. He ended with a prayer to the nation which he made on his knees, together with the leaders of high state institutions.