• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

A growing China-France relationship brings benefits to both sides and provides positive energy to the turbulent world, believes President Xi


May 5, 2024
BEIJING, May 5th (ABP) – ” A growing China-France relationship not only brings benefits to our two peoples, but also provides stability and positive energy to the turbulent world “, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in statement issued on Sunday, May 5, 2024, upon his arrival at Paris Orly airport for a state visit to France.
” It gives me great pleasure to begin my third state visit to the French Republic at the invitation of President Emmanuel Macron “, said President Xi, recalling that back in 2014 and 2019, he paid two visits to France, both in spring, to celebrate the 50th and 55th anniversaries of China-France diplomatic relations together with the people of France.
As China and France celebrate the 60th anniversary of their diplomatic ties, the President of the People’s Republic of China revealed that he has a strong sense of déjà vu when setting foot again on the soil of the beautiful country, France. ” On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I wish to take this opportunity to extend our warmest greetings and best wishes to the French government and people “, he said.
As important representatives of Eastern and Western civilizations, China and France have a long history of mutual appreciation and admiration, highlighted President Xi, adding that French Enlightenment thinkers turned to study Chinese culture centuries ago, and great French thinkers and writers such as Voltaire, Diderot, Hugo and Balzac have been household names in China.
” Sixty years ago, our two countries broke through Cold War blocs and established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level. In the 60 years since, our bilateral relations have always stayed abreast of China’s relations with Western countries, setting a prime example for countries with different social systems to coexist in peace and pursue win-win cooperation “, he revealed, underscoring that in recent years, China-France relationship has risen to new heights, and the two countries keep making new progress in their cooperation on aviation, aerospace, nuclear energy, agrifood and green development.
” Our countries enjoy close coordination and cooperation on climate response, biodiversity protection and global governance. Activities of the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism are unfolding across the board “, the president of the People’s Republic of China highlighted in a statement.
He revealed that during his visit, he will have an in-depth exchange of views with President Macron on growing China-France and China-Europe relations under the new circumstances, as well as major international and regional issues in the world today. ” I hope this visit will help cement our long-standing friendship, enhance political trust, build strategic consensus and deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields. I hope our two countries will light up our way forward with the torch of history, open a brighter future of China-France relations and make new contributions to world peace, stability and development “, he concluded in a statement issued upon arriving at Paris Orly airport.
It is worth mentioning that Burundi News Agency (ABP) owes the arrival statement by President Xi Jinping at Paris Orly airport to China International Press Communication Center.