• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Communication for social and behavioural change must be a priority to achieve the national vision


Apr 26, 2024

CANKUZO, April 24th (ABP) – Social and behavioural change is an essential step in achieving the national vision of “Burundi emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060″, said Jean Marie Nsavyimana, a social psychologist working with the Association of Women Jurists of Burundi (AFJB), in an interview with ABP last week.

According to Mr Nsavyimana, the promotion of communication would facilitate that change if the vision is to succeed, indicating that social and behavioural change aims to understand and facilitate changes in behaviour, as well as in social norms, attitudes, beliefs, etc.,” he said.

In fact, in Cankuzo province, some families have dozens of children, and there are also unemployed young people who frequent the ligalas here and there.

What’s more, following the destruction of the environment, some cooperatives are lamenting the lack of materials for their crafts, as is the case with the “Turwanye ubunebwe” basketry cooperative operating in the commune of Cendajuru.

                                                                                                        View of members of the “Turwanye ubukene” cooperative

That is happening at a time when the provincial authorities are constantly calling on the entire population to cut short any behaviour that could block development.

Psychologist Nsavyimana is delighted that, after the socio-political crises that destabilised the pace of development, the population has started to take action again.

  1. Nsavyimana is delighted that after the socio-political crises that destabilised the pace of development, the population has started life again by creating businesses that can generate income, citing the creation of cooperatives and solidarity groups in the hills. Most civil servants have also invested in various other activities to supplement their salaries.

Despite that, Mr Nsavyimana pointed out that capitalism persists because of the limited resources available in society in general.

Mr J. Marie proposes a return to education around the fire as a basis for good behaviour among young people from an early age, but above all communication at all levels to encourage social and behavioural change for the success of the vision.

The population must then work hard, prioritising the schooling of their children, so that there are no more cases of dropping out of school,” he continues.

Education is the key to understanding that all sectors complement each other in the fight for development, he stressed.

According to him, the role of young people in building a Burundi that will be emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060 remains undeniable.  He advises them to be flexible, to create innovative development projects for themselves, taking into account their capacity, skills and vocation, instead of always calling themselves unemployed, even though they are mature enough to work.

In addition, the population must take care to limit births and respect all the laws in force, and always follow the advice given by the various leaders.

He also applauds the government’s initiative to increase the number of schools and health facilities, and welcomes the establishment of financing banks, including the Women’s Bank, the PAEEJ and the BIJE.  That gives hope for the development of households and the country.

Mr. Nsavyimana nevertheless calls for the creation of markets for the sale of produce in order to avoid losses on the part of the population.

He also calls for the compilation of annual report books showing the level of implementation of that vision.