• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Changping district determined to be a leading place of technological innovation in the world


Apr 15, 2024
BEIJING, April 14th (ABP) – Journalists representing various media outlets of different countries of the world were in Changping district on Friday April 12, 2024 as part of the four-month training program consisting of strengthening media exchanges and cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the rest of the world.
In his introductory speech, the deputy mayor of Changping district, Liu Qiang, told the foreign journalists that Changping district is located in the northwest of Beijing, and is one of the city’s eco-symbiosis zones and an important water conservation area. It is an open and tolerant place with a first-class business environment, providing one-on-one services for investors and entrepreneurs.
As a new city in the plains, he pointed out, Changping district is the main position for the development of innovative and high-precision industries in the northern part of the capital, and Lailai Science Park is the hub of Beijing’s construction of an international science, technology and innovation center. ” We are focusing on international communication and cooperation, and improving our international service capacity. We insist on innovation and openness, and continue to increase our international influence “, he revealed.
In order to promote innovation and entrepreneurship of foreigners in Changping district, Deputy District Mayor Liu Qiang told the foreign press, the district also organized the “Walking with the Future” Foreign Talents Changping Entrepreneurship Training Camp Series, covering 98 foreign students from Iran, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Sudan and other 30 countries, who are willing to start their own business. ” We will continue to build an innovative and inclusive industrial system through international industrial cooperation “, he added, while hoping that the city will be a leading place of technological innovation in the world .
Liu Qiang stressed that this year, they will rapidly expand the energy Internet industry, attract upstream and downstream enterprises to gather, and create a highland for the energy Internet industry. With the strong support of key projects, the output value of advanced manufacturing industry is expected to exceed RMB 130 billion in 2024, an increase of 8% year-on-year. He pointed out that they will also draw up an action plan for the new industrialization, and will focus on high-growth tracks such as new-generation information technology and high-end equipment, with a view to achieving an output value of more than 240 billion yuan by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period.
Indeed, across the entire region, there are 56 national, provincial, and ministerial key laboratories, along with 210 engineering technology centers. This environment has nurtured 37 listed enterprises, over 2000 national high-tech enterprises, 464 enterprises that use special and sophisticated technologies to produce novel and unique products, to name but a few. The region is also home to the first national laboratory in life sciences and serves as the inaugural scientific research platform for the national laboratory in energy.
In the same line of ideas, Changping district is a science, university and eco-city. It hosts 41 universities, including prestigious institutions such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beihang University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, North China Electric Power University, China University of Petroleum, China University of Mining and Technology, and Beijing University of Chemical Technology. It was revealed that these universities collectively house 148,000 students and a substantial 44.4% of the population holds a university education, reaching levels comparable to developed countries.
A ‘one-stop’ talent service platform for international talents has been established, solidifying Changping as a sought-after destination where talents yearn to be, gather, and launch their entrepreneurial ventures, highlighted deputy district mayor Liu Qiang.
Practically speaking, foreign journalists got the opportunity to visit differents places where various achievements have been made. These are the Integrated intelligent zero-carbon power plant of State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC), the tropical fruit greenhouse of Xiaotangshan agricultural park, the Beijing Changping vocational school and the Beijing GoBroad hospital, respectively.
Guided by SPIC Central Research Institute Director Chen Gang and R&D Engineer Zhou Chuan, foreign journalists visited the park (Energy Valley) for experiencing green energy technologies in Changping district. The walls of the SPIC Central Research Institute generate the electricity and a solar panel can produce 100 kilowatts (KW), Research and Development Engineer Zhou Chuan told the press.
View of solar panels at the SPIC Central Research Institute
In the tropical fruit greenhouse of Xiaotangshan agricultural park, papayas, bananas, strawberries, ruby guava, Taiwan Green Jujube, Eureka (lemon), Ruantio Baisha (loquat), etc., are grown there. Environmental technology for preventing and controlling pests and diseases is based on the greenhouse’s ecosystem. Measures of healthy cultivation include choosing pest-resistant varieties, optimizing crop distribution, cultivating healthy seedlings and improving the management of water and fertilizer. ” We harvest three times a year, Mrs. Cao Fei told foreign journalists.
Mrs. Cao Fei introduces the fruit tree greenhouse to the foreign reporters
In his welcome remarks, Beijing Changping Vocational School Vice Principal Zhang Jinglei indicated that the latter is a national key vocational school and a high-level vocational school with Beijing characteristics. Since its establishment 40 years ago, he said, the school has more than 40,000 technical and skilled personnel and trained over 240,000 social workers. Its know-how includes baking culture, agriculture, automobile, wood art, etc.
View of the wood art in the premises of Beijing Changping Vocational School
Finally, foreign journalists visited the GoBroad hospital, an internationally-renowned health institute and a clinical-oriented innovation tech-platform which has a medical center for difficult diseases, a clinical research center, an innovative center for translational medicine and a medical center for international patients.
Automated and electric beds in the Beijing GoBroad hospital
In short, through this visit to Changping district, foreign journalists were immersed into China’s achievements in green energy, agriculture, education, automobile and health sectors, which testifies to China’s high openness and strong will to provide remarkable contributions to building a global community with shared future for humankind.
Group photo of the foreign journalists at the Beijing Changping Vocational School