• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Implementing the zero-waste campaign is everyone’s responsibility, says Burundi’s First Lady


Apr 26, 2024

GITEGA, April 24th (ABP) – Burundi’s First Lady, Angeline Ndayishimiye, is calling on the inhabitants of urban centers to improve the hygiene and sanitation of their living environments in order to live better.

She made that appeal from Gitega, the country’s political capital, where on Saturday 20 April she took part in community development work alongside the people of the town of Gitega.

The work consisted of cleaning out the gutters on the town’s roads and planting ornamental trees in the area where the tree is located in the center of the country.

In her speech, the First Lady of Burundi said that her presence was part of the logic of the zero-waste campaign in the country’s cities.

That is a campaign that has its origins in commitment made by the First Ladies at their summit held in Turkey on 27 November 2023,” she said, before adding that she would be visiting all the provinces for the same cause.

She recommended that administrative staff at all levels adopt the zero-waste motto in the workplace. In households, she insisted, such a recommendation should be strictly applied to prevent illnesses linked to poor hygiene and insalubrity. The positive impact of that situation can be seen in the restful environment and good mental and physical health of children, she stressed.

After her departure, the population continued its work by collecting rubbish on the Avenue du 1er novembre, in that case the section linking the urban center of Gitega and the Masanganzira junction, which is one and a half kilometer.