• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Bagumyabanga are called on to take ownership of the vision of a Burundi emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060


Feb 4, 2024

GITEGA January 29th (ABP) – The ruling CNDD-FDD party officially launched at the Gitega aerodrome (center of the country) on the afternoon of Thursday, January 25, 2024, a thanksgiving prayer of three days to thank the Lord for all the benefits that the Burundians have enjoyed in 2023 and to show him the new year of 2024. That prayer was organized under the theme: “Let us present to God the works of our hands, He will bless us and we will reach Burundi, an emerging country in 2040 and a developed country in 2060”, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

                                          The Secretary General of the CNDD-FDD party Mr. Révérien Ndikuriyo

That interfaith prayer was enhanced by the presence of the presidential couple, the secretary general of the Cndd-Fdd party, all the national secretaries of that party, the president of the national assembly and the president of the Burundian senate, the former First Lady of the country, executives and senior executives of the country and so on.

In his message of welcome and opening of the interfaith prayer, the secretary general of the CNDD-FDD party Mr. Révérien Ndikuriyo recalled that the CNDD-FDD party devoted first place to God. According to him, it is for that reason that the CNDD-FDD party organized that prayer in order to invoke the Almighty to be present in their daily activities as well as their development projects.

The secretary general of the CNDD-FDD party informed the Bagumyabanga that that party put forward the vision of Burundi, “emerging country in 2040 and developed in 2060”.

                                                                                                    Pastor Denise Nkurunziza

He then urged them to invest in the development of the country by working tirelessly to achieve that vision. That is why, according to him, the leadership of the CNDD-FDD party toured the different communes and areas of Burundi to raise awareness among the Bagumyabanga on the priority development projects initiated by the party, notably the crop planting campaign exports including coffee and avocado trees and agro-fruit trees which will allow the country to obtain foreign currency.

In her preaching, Pastor Denise Nkurunziza indicated that that prayer is held at the appropriate time given that it is an opportunity to meditate on projects that can develop Burundi in order to achieve the vision of Burundi. She then called on Burundians to respond to God’s call, to avoid all kinds of corruption, to bring their children to love God in order to achieve the vision of a Burundi emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060.

The President of the Republic at the same time president of the Council of Elders Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye said that the Lord has granted peace to Burundi in order to be a country of peace and honey despite the hard times that the country has gone through in the past. He called on the population to safeguard peace and security and to work diligently to develop.

President Ndayishimiye also pointed out that a country cannot under any circumstances be developed as long as there are still hungry people, homeless people, people who do not have access to health facilities and children who are not in school or who are poorly educated. According to him, the development of a country is measured by the development index of the population, their standard of living and health, the quality of education and so on.

Despite that, the President of the Republic thanked the people who have already understood the vision of the country by tackling development works.

He invited the Bagumyabanga to invest in development works to achieve the vision. He advised them to trust in God, to abandon corruption, theft and injustice, not to be infatuated with the wealth of others because, he said, it is to act against the will of God. According to him, that will allow them to achieve the vision of 2040 and 2060.