• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The interfaith prayer of thanksgiving


Feb 4, 2024

GITEGA January 29th (ABP) – The CNDD-FDD party continued, on the afternoon of Friday January 26, 2024, the prayer of thanksgiving at the Gitega aerodrome (center of the country), in the presence of the presidential couple, presidents of the National Assembly and the Senate, the Burundian Prime Minister and other various senior executives and executives of the country.

                                                        Participants in the crusade during the praise session

In his teaching, Sheikh Ndikumana Ramadhani was indignant at the leaders of public companies and cooperatives who do not provide good performance. Referring to the case of state companies like SOSUMO, OTRACO and many others which are in the process of going bankrupt, he wondered if the managers of those companies really want Burundi to be blessed. He rebelled against people appointed in different sectors of national life and who seek to develop instead of developing the sectors they lead. Others, he continued, demand bribes from widows and orphans. According to him, all those people irritate the Almighty and cause a curse for the country, which, he estimated, hampers the development of the sectors under their responsibility.

Sheikh Ndikumana pointed out that although God blesses the works of our hands, evil works cannot be blessed. For him, every Burundian must examine their conscience to see if their works are acceptable before the Almighty. It remains to be seen whether the leaders gathered in that prayer are properly carrying out their tasks and aiming to increase production, he said, asking the President of the Republic to replace them for the proper functioning of the country. .

Father Théophile Ndayishimiye, for his part, indicated that to achieve the 2040-2060 vision, Burundians in general and leaders in particular must respect and put into practice the commandments of God, respect the laws of the country, avoid laziness and having love of the homeland and its people. He insisted on the promotion of peaceful cohabitation and the revitalization of the education system. In addition, Burundians must avoid nepotism and the habit of discouraging themselves or others. He called on them to take ownership of that vision, each in their own field, to develop the country together.

Speaking, the President of the Republic, at the same time president of the council of elders within the CNDD-FDD party, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, indicated that current Burundi differs from the Burundi of yesteryear. He recalled that the country went through dark times for 40 years like Israel, but that for the moment it has a good image abroad. Based on that, President Ndayishimiye asked Burundians to continue to love the Lord because, he stressed, God is at their side.