• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Call for the promotion of self-development activities


Apr 30, 2023

Ngozi April 27th (ABP) – The Attorney General of the Republic Sylvestre Nyandwi enhanced with his presence the community development works of Saturday April 22, 2022 in Ngozi. It involved mixing the cement and bringing it closer to the masons for the completion of the bleachers around the Agasaka Stadium in Ngozi.

According to Paul Niyonzima, adviser to the governor of Ngozi in charge of legal issues, the stadium must be finished no later than June 30, 2023, to be inaugurated on July 1. He asked the inhabitants of Ngozi and the friends of the province to make their final contributions in order to complete the stadium on time.

In his words, the Attorney General of the Republic Sylvestre Nyandwi said that he came to Ngozi as part of the Head of State’s recommendation that the high personalities of the country should join the people every Saturday, in the development works.

He also returned to the principle of love and mutual aid which should guide the Burundians to establish peace, security and the development of the country. He insisted on the respect and maintenance of public property such as community infrastructure, roads, State land properties and so on.

Leaders in Ngozi province have been called upon to uphold the public treasury by fighting corruption and other economic malfeasance. He reiterated the wishes of the Head of State to maintain the people in self-development activities. Ngozi province being counted among the most populated provinces of the country, that overpopulation should also constitute a major asset for development.

Sylvestre Nyandwi asked the inhabitants of Ngozi to send the children to school, to properly maintain the coffee culture so that the country can have foreign currency. He ended by granting a personal contribution of 20 bags of cement for the finishing of the Agasaka stadium in Ngozi.

With about 11,000 seats, the Agasaka stadium was built for an envelope of three billion BIF. The works are advanced by more than 92%. The remaining work mainly concerns the installation of glass on the doors and windows of the stadium’s offices and locker rooms. There is also talk of installing the synthetic mat that will be granted by FIFA.