• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Call for increased production in agriculture and livestock sectors


Sep 15, 2022

KIRUNDO September 13th (ABP) – The Minister of National Defense and Veterans Affairs, Mr. Alain Tribert Mutabazi joined the population of his native town of Ntega in Kirundo province (northern Burundi) on Saturday August 10, 2022, for the community development works consisting in the tracing of the track which will be used for the extension of the city of Ntega, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

                     View of the desk benches granted to the communal management of Ntega

In his speech, Minister Mutabazi thanked the administrators of the same commune who saw the need to expand the town of Ntega, saying that it is time to change the face of the locality. He urged the people of Ntega and the entire province of Kirundo to no longer fold their arms, rather to work courageously to increase production, especially in agriculture and livestock and face the exorbitant prices that are observed in these days because, he specified, when one does not work, one does not find supply on the market while the demand continues to increase.

The governor of Kirundo Mr. Albert Hatungimana thanked the minister in charge of national defense who continues to support the development of his native province.

Mr. Hatungimana has promised that he will knock for the tractor that will help to trace these tracks for the extension of the city of Ntega. He also welcomed the fact that we were able to stop the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic which has manifested itself a lot in Ntega commune.

In addition, the natives of Ntega commune represented by Minister Mutabazi granted the communal management of Ntega 260 desk benches worth 6,500,000 BIF to remedy the cruel lack of this school material. The pupils also benefited from school kits made up of notebooks, pens, etc., and the provincial governor contributed 100,000 BIF for the purchase of desk benches.

Note that the scouts accompanied by their commissioner general and the representative of the association of scouts at the level of Africa joined the others in the development work.