• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Call for maintenance of the road for the development of the locality


Sep 15, 2022

MWARO September 13th (ABP) – The First vice-president of the Burundian senate, Mrs. Dénise Ndadaye joined the population of Gisozi commune in Mwaro province on Saturday, September 10, 2022 in community development work consisting of maintenance national road number 18 and national road number 7 (the Ateki-Nyakerera road).

In her occasional speech, Mrs. Ndadaye thanked the people of Gisozi for their massive participation in community development work. That shows that people had understood the benefits of those, she said.

                                    View of the pupils who passed the national competition holding the school kit received

According to Mrs. Ndadaye, the road facilitates the free movement of goods and people. It is a good and a tool for all citizens. From where she called on the population of this locality to maintain this road well, to safeguard peace and security.

Mrs. Ndadaye also indicated that where justice is absent, peace and development are also absent. Justice is the source of development. As advice, she had told them to choose the village notables of accuracy, wisdom and non-corruptible, in the elections of September 12, 2022.

In order to implement the state project which says that every mouth has something to eat and every pocket has money, the first vice-president of the senate urged the people  of Gisozi to love first the work, and then roll up the sleeves because it is still possible.

Still according to Mrs. Ndadaye, the Mwaro province could be the breadbasket of Burundi especially in the production of potatoes, pointing out that it is a fertile land for this culture, without forgetting also the cultivation of wheat.

If there is a healthy collaboration with the administration and those responsible for the office in charge of the environment, agriculture and animal husbandry, the production will be in abundance and in quality. There will be food and the surplus for sale in neighboring towns and other provinces.

Regarding the bridge over the Nyakerera River which is in poor condition, Mrs. Ndadaye had given a contribution of 200,000 BIF to build it. Afterwards, she visited the communal office of the CNDD-FDD party under construction, where she also gave an envelope of 500,000 BIF to buy the bricks.

The first vice-president of the Burundian senate also proceeded to the delivery of the school kit to the 23 pupils of Murama, on her native village in Nyabihanga commune of Mwaro province, who had passed the national competition edition 2022. They are the natives of that village who had bought those school materials. The kits had consisted of notebooks, buckets, pens, soaps and dignity kits for girls.

In that school, 9 pupils were directed to boarding schools and 14 others to municipal schools.

Mrs. Ndadaye had given advice to these students and wished them success until university.

To the parents in general who have children on that school, she called on them to always be close to the children by showing good manners and explaining the advantages of the school. She also encouraged the teachers of the Murama school with an envelope of 200,000 BIF.

Reported that Nyabihanga commune occupies the 1st place at the provincial level in the national competition with a success rate of 91.67%. She ranks 71st nationally.