• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Head of State inaugurated the Ruzibazi hydroelectric power station


Sep 8, 2022

RUMONGE September 8th (ABP) – The Head of State, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye enhanced with his presence, on Tuesday, September 6, 2022, the inauguration ceremonies of the Ruzibazi hydroelectric power station in Rumonge province (Southwest of Burundi). Those ceremonies also saw the participation of ministers having energy and finance in their attributions.

They began with guided tours of the dam located in Kirehe village and the power plant located in Rutumo village.

In his speech, the President of the Republic, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye praised the good relations between Burundi and China, noting that China supports Burundi in several sectors. He thus congratulated the Sino hydro company for carrying out the construction works of the Ruzibazi hydroelectric power plant in the shortest possible time. He added that electricity is an essential element for development. For him, the population should not rejoice to see electrified houses but rather to take advantage of it to create income-generating activities.

According to the Minister of Energy and Mines, Mr. Ibrahim Uwizeye, this hydroelectric plant currently produces 15 MW per day, which is added to the 32 MW produced by the dams already in place. He specified that the management of the operation of the hydroelectric power station of Ruzibazi was attributed to REGIDESO having the competent personnel in the matter.

Speaking, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Burundi, Ms. Zhao Jiangping said that the inauguration of this hydroelectric plant is an eloquent sign of good Sino-Burundian cooperation. She pointed out that the Chinese company Sino hydro has overcome many difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure the smooth running of the project and thanked the Chinese engineers and Burundian workers who have been characterized by remarkable dedication and close collaboration to complete the project ahead of schedule despite the difficulties encountered. She added that this plant marks a new starting point for the strengthening of friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries.

The governor of Rumonge province (south-west of Burundi), Consolateur Nitunga indicated that many similar projects are being implemented in the same province, in this case, the construction of the Kirasa Energy dam, Songa Energy as well as that of Jiji-Murembwe.

Note that the ceremonies ended with the presentation of certificates of honor and medals to officials of the Sino hydro company.