• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Savings and loan groups are beneficial, testify the members of Kabarore and Gatara


Apr 27, 2022

KAYANZA April 26th (ABP) – Members of loan and savings groups in Kabarore and Gatara communes in Kayanza province (north) who have organized themselves into federations are delighted with the step already taken and testify that once people get together, they manage to carry out tough projects.

Against the background of that step already taken by the members of these federations, the adviser to the governor of Kayanza in charge of development, Mr. Vénuste Nduwimana, asks the groups, associations or federations resembling them to have the vision by avoiding the waste of savings, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

As members of loan and savings groups in Kabarore and Gatara communes indicate, the techniques learned through the Dukore 2 project of the Union of Baptist Churches of Burundi have enabled them to understand that their savings should not be shared. at a given period but that the latter must help them carry out tough projects. They point out that before reaching the stage of joining federations, they had first thought of leaving 30℅ of their savings in the fund and that this percentage was of great importance to them.

As an indication, apart from the production of maize of around 10 tons now kept in storage sheds, the members of the fifteen federations of savings and loan groups scattered in Kabarore commune have already bought a mill and 12 cows. This is when those of the nine federations in Gatara commune have already bought 138 pigs and 22 cows in addition to a corn production estimated at around 27 tons.

Based on the step already taken by the members of these federations of loan and savings groups of the aforementioned municipalities, the adviser to the governor of Kayanza in charge of development, Mr. Vénuste Nduwimana encourages them and invites them to put forward the vision especially by avoiding wasting the money saved in things that lead to nothing.

For his part, the coordinator of the Dukore 2 project who supervises these members of the federations of credit and savings groups, Mr. Eric Makarakiza, challenges them to raise small domestic animals in order to easily meet their daily family needs.

Note that the members of the federations of loan and savings groups of the Kabarore commune plan to buy a transport vehicle while those of the Gatara commune highlight the agro-pastoral sector.