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The Ruzibazi hydroelectric dam will be operational from May


Apr 22, 2022

RUMONGE April 22nd (ABP) – The construction work of the Ruzibazi dam in Rumonge province, carried out by the Sino hydro company are progressing well.

This is the finding of the governor of that province, Mr. Consolateur Nitunga, during an assessment trip he made on Tuesday, April 19.

Accompanied by some of the heads of services working in Rumonge, Governor Nitunga first visited the site where the dam on the Ruzibazi River is being built. Afterwards, they headed to the place where the machines that will produce electricity are installed before being routed to the stations that will be made available. After visiting those sites, Mr. Nitunga said he was satisfied with the progress of the work. According to him, the deadline for the work, which extends from 2018 to 2022, granted to the company Sino hydro, will undoubtedly be respected as this company had guaranteed.

The communication officer within the said company, Lin Bigirimana, specified that this hydroelectric dam will be operational from next May, adding that all the work necessary to stabilize the bank of the Ruzibazi river, Bugarama side where is built the dam, will be completed before project closure.

It is worthy to note that the Ruzibazi hydroelectric power station will produce 15 Mw divided into two lines, one of which will lead 5 Mw to the Rumonge power station and the other will supply the Kabezi station with 10 Mw.