• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The MPs elected in Cibitoke constituency are concerned about effective education


Dec 7, 2021

CIBITOKE December 6th (ABP) – After the raids carried out by the deputies elected in the constituency of Cibitoke during their parliamentary recess, indicate that they have had time to know the life of the province and the issues that arise in different sectors, in order to help find lasting solutions.

According to their representative, Justin Niyobuhungiro, those MPs welcome the good ranking of 2nd place, of that province in the state exam, 2021 edition. He declared that they will contribute to keep these good performances in the exam of State, but also conquer the best place in the national competition of the 9th year. To achieve this, the deputies reveal that they will work with the administration and educational partners to find solutions to the challenges of that sector. These include four main challenges as reported by the provincial director in charge of education, Mr. Joseph Nyandwi. That concerns the insufficiency of classrooms and desks, observed especially in the communes of Buganda and Rugombo which welcome children from other communes each year and the lack of means of transport for support and supervision. schools, the lack of student manuals known as student support books for post-basic education, despite the availability of competent teachers. Do not forget also the cases of school dropouts reported in certain localities for which the deputies promise to sensitize ignorant parents, so that school dropouts are eradicated forever. The MPs let it be known that they will help the administration to remedy the issues of different sectors, for the development of the province as a whole. The same representative of the people recalled that the deputies met the representatives of the so-called sangwe cooperatives to find out about all their difficulties.