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Day: December 13, 2021

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  • A training of trainers on inclusive education has ended

A training of trainers on inclusive education has ended

BUJUMBURA December 13th (ABP) – The Teacher’s College – ENS –, in collaboration with the UNESCO National Commission (CNU), closed, on Friday December 10, 2021, a training of trainers and…

Representatives of public and private services are called upon to take ownership of the use of video conferencing tools

GITEGA December 13th (ABP) – The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communication, Information Technologies and Media, Mr. Anicet Niyonkuru, calls on representatives of pilot ministries in the use of…

Religious leaders called on to help end-of-year crusade

BUJUMBURA December 13th (ABP) – The mayor of the city of Bujumbura Mr. Jimmy Hatungimana, in collaboration with the ambassador Albert Nasasagare, held, on Thursday, December 9, 2021, a meeting…

Members of the Roots and Shoots association have planted over 50,000 Grevillea and Acacia trees

BUBANZA December 13th (ABP) – More than 50,000 grevillea and acacia trees were planted by members of the “Roots and shoots” association, on Thursday, December 9, 2021, in Musigati commune…

ISABU offers new formulas for using FOMI plant fertilizers

Bujumbura December 13th (ABP) – The Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock, in collaboration with the FOMI factory, organized on Thursday, December 9, 2021, in Bujumbura, a workshop to…

Cases of gender-based violence have decreased in Muramvya province

MURAMVYA December 13th (ABP) – Stakeholders in the field of gender-based violence (GBV) at the level of Muramvya province (center-west), provided on Thursday, December 9, in a coordination meeting, data…