• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The people of the communes of Mugamba and Matana are called on to safeguard peace and security


Nov 12, 2021

BURURI November 12th (ABP) – The First vice-president of the Senate, Mrs. Denise Ndadaye, has since Wednesday carried out the field trip to the communes of Matana and Mugamba in Bururi province (southwestern Burundi). She met the administrators, the representatives of the approved political parties and the religious in the capital of the commune of Matana.

Mrs. Ndadaye said that during this period of parliamentary recess in November, the elected representatives of the people conduct raids to meet the population and discuss their concerns. On the menu of the day are the consolidation of peace and security, the fight against diseases linked to malnutrition and leadership.

Regarding peace and security, Mrs. Ndadaye said that it is not only guns that kill but also rumors. Hence, they have to fight them in the same way. The main causes of insecurity that have been cited are prohibited drinks, pregnancies among young girls, land disputes, drugs, polygamy, poverty among young people and women, deforestation and corruption in justice.

She asked the people of the two communes to cultivate and harvest to feed their families instead of selling the harvest and spending all the money in the cabaret.

To the leaders, she asked them to be a good role model to the people, to be a servant of the people instead of being served. To reduce drunkenness, the people asked Mrs. Ndadaye to significantly fix the price of certain very alcoholic drinks.

As for the permanent stabling of cattle, the province of Bururi should not be an exception, the law has been in force since last October and must be scrupulously respected. Regarding corruption in the body of justice, the population is asked to denounce the corrupters and corrupt to establish fair justice.

After the exchange session, Mrs. Ndadaye and the governor of Bururi province assisted a family of Egide Hatungimana and Nsengiyumva, from Gitara village in Mugamba commune, who gave birth to triplets at Matana hospital.

The assistance consisted of rice, beans, corn, Pampers, sugar, porridge, toilet soaps and laundry, a blanket, two pairs of loincloths, powdered milk and tea. money to support the family.

Note that the first vice-president of the senate intends to meet the people of the communes of Rutovu and Songa and on Friday that of the communes of Bururi and Vyanda.