• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Burundi Head of State congratulates the defence and security forces on their bravery in safeguarding peace and security


May 22, 2024

KIRUNDO, May 21st (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, met representatives of the national defence forces of the third military division covering the provinces of Kirundo, Ngozi, Kayanza and Muyinga on Thursday 16 May in the capital of Kirundo province (northern Burundi), to give them advice that could help them maintain peace and security in the country, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

View of the heads of the national defense forces at a meeting

He congratulated them because, he said, peace reigns in the country thanks to their bravery.With regard to the grenades that exploded in the economic capital of Bujumbura, the Head of State reassured the audience that these criminals would never be able to slow down Burundi’s progress in terms of security and development. The perpetrators of this terrorist act must be arrested and brought to justice, he insisted.

                                                                           View of the heads of the security forces

The Head of State pointed out that the bravery of the national defence forces is not confined to their own country, but also extends abroad, especially in countries where members of this corps are helping to restore peace and security. He said that the Central African Republic, Somalia, etc. thanked the Burundian defence forces for their unrivalled contribution to restoring peace and security in their countries. He encouraged them to stick together and continue to consolidate peace.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Head of State also met with the security forces of the northern region to take stock of the security situation there. According to the spokesperson for the President of the Republic, Mrs. Rosine Guilène Gatoni, the Head of State said that the reports submitted showed that the security situation was positive throughout the country, which gave the Head of State the opportunity to congratulate those in charge of the security corps in the northern region. It was an opportunity to encourage them to continue and reinforce their vigilance because, he said, if today peace and security reign throughout the country, it is not because the enemy is slumbering. He also urged them to ensure economic security, by supporting all the measures being taken by the government to boost Burundi’s economy, by combating fraud involving certain strategic products for the country, and also by ensuring that the people can go about its daily activities in peace.

The President of the Republic reminded them of their primary mission, which is to ensure the safety of the people, but also to ensure that the law is respected. He did not fail to encourage them to be role models and to ensure that nothing can hold back the wheel that is already in motion towards a Burundi that will be emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060.

The Head of State ended his mission in Kirundo province with a visit on Friday 17 May to the storage shed in the capital of Kirundo province, where 412 tonnes of maize collected by the government have been stored.