• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The natives of Kabezi are called on to be actors in the development of their villages


Aug 4, 2021

BUJUMBURA August 4th (ABP) – The natives of Kabezi commune in Bujumbura province (western Burundi) gathered within the Association of natives and residents of Kabezi commune (ANAREKA) must support the development of the commune, starting with their villages, said the administrator of that commune, Mrs. Espérance Habonimana, during the general assembly of ANAREKA. She regretted that there are today some among them who seem not to be concerned about development, a check by ABP revealed.

Presenting the achievements over the past year, the leader of ANAREKA, Mr. Melchiade Nzopfabarushe, said that this association was created to bring together the natives, residents and friends of the Kabezi commune to support in the development of the latter. With a view to the implementation of its projects, the members of ANAREKA intend to mobilize all the village natives so that they combine efforts for the communal projects to be implemented in the village.

Regarding the achievements of the association, Mr Nzopfabarushe indicated that they have contributed in the construction of a storey building for the extension of the Mutumba Basic School. The natives contributed in the construction of the priests’ convent for the future parish of Kabezi. They also contributed for the other churches, and participated in the construction of basketball and volleyball courts in Kabezi. In collaboration with the commune, they also contributed in the drawing of the Karava-Kayange and Kabezi-Gitenga road.

In the social field, the natives made a gesture of solidarity with the victims of the landslide that occurred in Mutumba, and contributed for the families that lost theirs as well as for a family whose child was to undergo a surgical operation abroad.

On the sporting side, the natives have accompanied and supported a volleyball team and a football team which today are defending themselves very well.

The administrator of that commune, Mrs. Espérance Habonimana, added that the natives distributed school kits and contributed in the construction of the reading and cultural animation center of Kabezi and the common library which today is in the lack of books, according to her. She said that the commune has many projects to implement that the natives must support, starting with the construction of the offices of the village leaders.

                                                                                                         View of the meeting participants

Indeed, the commune will build a two-level school of excellence, Mutumba basic school, and will participate in the extension of the Kabezi district hospital.

The administrator of Kabezi urged the natives to put the whole package in education for this year by providing school benches and teaching aids to schools that lack them without forgetting the recruitment of temporary teachers in schools that lack teachers.

She also called on natives to actively participate in the week dedicated to local solidarity.

Four flagship projects for ANAREKA, namely the enhancement of the Karava thermal water site, the construction of apartments for rent for new officials who come to work in Kabezi, the establishment of the ANAREKA prize for the development and renewal of bodies of ANAREKA, the leader of that association revealed, before urging all natives without exception to get involved in the development of their villages.