• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Assessment of the first year of PRRPB implementation


Jul 7, 2021

BUJUMBURA July 7th (ABP) – The communal coordinator of the Project for the restoration and resilience of the landscape in Burundi (PRRPB) in Isare commune, Mr. Prosper Barakamfitiye, said last week during an evaluation session of the achievements of the first year, organized by the NGO Accord Burundi, service provider to the PRRPB, that the first year started with difficulties, because the results of the feasibility study of the said projects arrived with a slight delay is added the late start of the silvicultural year, the material for setting up tree nurseries and the seeds that arrived late and other challenges, through this session, each NGO had to display this that it has done so far in the villages, the works already carried out by the members of the beneficiaries in 5 pilot villages and the representatives of the beneficiaries had to confirm or deny the presence of those NGOs as well as their achievements.

According to the beneficiaries, challenges were observed in particular the seeds in small quantities, the delay in the payment of the labor, the insufficient material (seeds, biodegradable bags) the lack of space for the germinator, for the multiplication of tree seedlings and herbs for shade.

They were nevertheless delighted that the project was of obvious interest because, it planted trees on the hills and gave them agroforestry trees to plant at home, the training sessions obtained were useful to them, the project promised them cows and a job.

Their wishes expressed for the second year are, among other things, that the works begin on time, that they have sufficient material and that they arrive on time, that the labor is paid on time and that the motivation or the salary is worthy and sufficient according to their statements.

To those who ask for a salary, the administrator of the commune Isare asked them to put forward the gift of self and the love of their commune first, and the chief of staff of the governor, Mr. Dieudonné Bizimana, has meant that the remuneration is even found in the proper execution of the project and the effects induced by the project on the people and society of the commune of Isare.