• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The CNDD-FDD party secretary general made field trips to popularize the resolutions of the said party in the new communes of Muramvya and Kiganda


May 14, 2024

MURAMVYA, May 14th (ABP) – With the aim of implementing the vision of Burundi-emerging country in 2040 and developed in 2060, the secretary general of the CNDD-FDD party, Mr. Révérien Ndikuriyo, hosted Thursday, May 9 , in the premises of the said party headquarters in Muramvya (central-west Burundi), a day of popularization of the resolutions which were adopted during the session of the central committee of the CNDD-FDD party from April 22 to 23, 2024 in Ngozi, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The secretary general of the CNDD-FDD party called on party members to form households that will be in good economic conditions by 2040. The first step for there to be emerging households is, according to Mr. Ndikuriyo, birth control.

                                                                              View of meeting participants

“If someone has three children, it is easy for them to get them into school. But if they have eight or nine, it will be difficult for them to find ways to support them and send them to school,” Mr. Ndikuriyo, who noted that there are also challenges related to the fact that the country is overpopulated. That is when construction is done in areas reserved for rice fields, particularly the plains.

In his moralization, the secretary general of the CNDD-FDD party insisted on birth planning, specifying that that will prove that families have changed mentalities towards self-emergence.

With a view to the good education of children, boarding schools will be functional as was the case in the past in order to allow new generations to know themselves better, to compare themselves and to be able to develop their skills. as future leaders of the country emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060, he added. He also encouraged the Bagumyabanga present to take the lead in planting export crops, especially avocado and coffee trees, to generate foreign currency in the future which will be used to obtain basic necessities, in occurrence of medicines, fertilizers, fuel and others.

Among the experts who developed themes on that occasion was Mrs. Calinie Mbarushimana, national secretary in charge of social issues within the party. She indicated that the CNDD-FDD party has set up a “Turerere Uburundi” project, which sets up groups of people exchanging with households to identify the characteristics of an exemplary and emerging household.

According to Mrs. Mbarushimana, an emerging household must have a decent home and domestic animals, with the capacity to produce to survive and have the surplus to sell on the market in case of financial needs. The same household must be able to easily access health care in the event of illness, drinking water, electricity and schooling for children.

Note that the secretary general of the CNDD-FDD continued his visit on Friday May 10 to the new commune of Kiganda to popularize the said resolutions.