• Thu. May 16th, 2024

Assistance to a mother who gave birth to triplets


Sep 1, 2022

BUJUMBURA August 29th (ABP) – The “Bonne Action Umugiraneza” Foundation offered food and non-food items on Thursday, August 25, 2022, Mrs. Emelyne Nicokimwe having given birth to triplets at Kabezi Hospital. The foundation offered her two bags of whole meal flour for the porridge, three cartons of powdered milk, France lait 1, go Flesh juices as well as children’s clothes and Mrs. Nicokimwe warmly thanked the First Lady for that charitable action.

                                          Distribution of aid to children at Ruziba Hospital

That same foundation subsequently offered significant assistance consisting of rice, flour for porridge and powdered milk, to children suffering from undernourishment, at Ruziba hospital in Kanyosha commune.

At that hospital, children born with brain impairment and those born to HIV-positive parents were fed. They also benefited from bags of rice, bags of whole meal flour for porridge, go flesh juices and other materials needed daily.

In his speech for the occasion, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Joseph Ndayizeye called on those parents to always listen attentively to the advice given by health workers on nutrition and family planning.