• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

China’s achievements have not fallen from the sky as a gift, reveals Wu Hailong


Mar 25, 2024
BEIJING, March 25th (ABP) – Over 30 journalists from African countries including Burundi, along with Mrs. Lou Danzhu,
Director of China-Africa Press Center at the China International Press Communication Center (CIPCC),  took the plane on March 19, 2024 from China’s capital Beijing to Jiangsu province located on the east coast of China, as part of ” Travelogue of China and media exchange ” program which was officially launched in Wuxi city of the same province.
In his speech delivered on March 21, 2024,  to officially launch the media exchange program, the Chairperson of China Public Diplomacy Association (CPDA), Wu Hailong, said he willingly took part in that program as he is interested in working with media professionals, and also because he was interested in visiting Jiangsu province to see how it looks like today, as it is already known that the latter is one of the fastest-growing and the most dynamic places in China.
Family picture of the participants in the media exchange launch ceremony
He took the opportunity to reveal that China’s achievements did not fall from the sky as a gift that should be taken as granted,  they rather resulted from the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the hard working ability of the Chinese people.
Thus, CPDA Chairperson Wu Hailong encouraged the journalists from across Africa to observe with their own eyes, listen carefully to the facilitators and afterward, tell about what they have seen, heard, and thought about China to the whole world and to the people from their countries of origin.
For his part, Shan Chengbiao, general manager of the newspaper aimed at developing international communication, Global Times Online, indicated that Wuxi spares no efforts to promote industry transformation, economic development policies and traditional culture. For promoting cultural communication and international friendship, he added, the Travelogue of China plays an important role in media cooperation and has a positive impact on globalization.
On behalf of the African journalists, Uaueza Kanhuatjivi from Namibia, expressed her feelings about China and particularly about Jiangsu province as it is the first province she visited in 2023 along with a delegation of Namibian media managers. ” China is more than just a country; it is a beacon of unity, resilience, and unparalleled progress. Contrary to prevailing narratives, China’s commitment to peace, international cooperation, and cultural preservation stands as a testament to its firm dedication to global harmony “, she said.
She continued to point out that China’s commitment to fostering mutual understanding, technological progress, and cultural conservation serves as a blueprint for a brighter and more interconnected world. ” We are ready to embrace the lessons we will take from the Travelogue of China with open hearts and minds. Let us cherish the bonds of friendship nurtured among nations and strive for a future where collaboration, innovation, and shared prosperity are a reality “, she concluded.
It is worth mentioning that the launch ceremony was also attended at the high level by Shi Ding, Executive Editor-in-Chief of Global Times Online; Lou Danzhu,
Director of China Africa Press Center at China International Press Communication Center; Huang Weigong, Deputy Secretary-General of CPC Wuxi Municipal Committee, Director of Policy Research Office of CPC Wuxi Municipal Committee; Cai Wenyu, Exceutive Vice Minister of Publicity Department of CPC Wuxi Municipal Committee, Director of Office of the Cyberspace Affairs Commission of CPC Wuxi Municipal Committee; Chen Xiaoxing, Deputy Director of Office of the Cyberspace Affairs Commission of CPC Wuxi Municipal Committee and Yang Xiaofei, Vice President of Wuxi Culture and Tourism Development Group.