• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Opening ceremony of Wuxi International Month and International Cherry Blossom Festival


Mar 27, 2024
BEIJING, March 27th (ABP) – The opening ceremony of Wuxi International Month and International Cherry Blossom Festival took place on March 20, 2024 in Jiangsu province, Wuxi city, at the time when Journalists from African countries were in that province from March 19, 2024 as part of media exchange program and learning from China’s experience in all spheres of national life.
To that end, those African media professionals took part in that 2024 Wuxi International Month and International Cherry Blossom Festival Opening Ceremony which was held under the theme ” Together towards a shared future “. It is a cultural event that coincides with the review of the friendly relations existing between the city of Wuxi and other countries or cities around the world. The mayor of Wuxi city Jao Jianjun, the ambassador of Guyana to China Mrs. Chao, the Consul general of France to Shanghai Joan Aladou and Jesse Armendarez, member of the Board of supervisors, second district supervisor, San Bernadino County (USA), were the speakers of the day, one after another.
In his opening remarks, Wuxi Mayor Jao Jianjun pointed out that Wuxi city always puts focus on creating a market-oriented, law-based and international first-class business environment; continuously building high quality international schools, international districts, communities and fully implementing the convenient measures for foreigners to come to Wuxi and ensuring that global enterprises operate with peace mind and international friends live comfortably.
He added that the city will continuously opt for win-win outcome, organize events in five major fields including culture, sports,  economics and trade, science and technology and people’s livelihood and building bridge for smooth government communication, convenient investment for enterprises and friendly exchanges with citizens.
Taking the floor, the ambassador of Guyana to China, Mrs. Chao, thanked the Wuxi municipality government for the warm hospitality and for organizing such an event in that beautiful city of cherry blossoms for the 2024 Wuxi International Month and International Cherry Blossom Festival. She said she was very proud to the extend that Guyana is one of the several countries which have a special relationship with Wuxi city, not based on large trade and commercial figures but based on practical international cooperation.
Mrs. Chao highlighted the consistent contribution of China to the improvement of the healthcare sector in Guyana. She revealed that Guyana and Guyanese citizens have benefited significantly from the expanded surgical techniques and modern equipment from China as well as the establishment of five specialized centers within Guyanese public hospitals. Since 1993, she added, Guyana has received medical kits consistently from the Jiangsu province, which has contributed significantly to the improvement of the public healthcare sector in Guyana, high quality specialized skills for the care of patients and improvement of cooperation between healthcare professionals from Guyana and those from China.
As a staring example of what partnership,  what international cooperation can do to make the world relevant and a better place for all, Mrs. Chao mentioned that Chinese healthcare professionals and doctors from Wuxi have been working jointly side by side with Guyanese healthcare professionals,  transferring skills and sharing experiences to create medical breakthroughs in Guyana, saving lives, creating miracles and changing the lives of people.
She took the opportunity to encourage the people of Wuxi to continue to extend wings, to continue the good work in terms of contributing to global sustainable development around the world and to explore untapped opportunities for increased partnerships, cooperation and sustainable development. She ended her remarks by expressing her best wishes for the successful convening of the 2024 Wuxi International Month and International Cherry Blossom Festival.
The Wuxi International Month and International Cherry Blossom Festival opening ceremony was followed by the 11th Wuxi International Sister Cities Forum and “Global Identity for City Visibility ” Wuxi dialogue, where Li Qiufeng, member of the standing committee of CPC in Wuxi municipal committee and Director general of publicity department of CPC in Wuxi municipal committee stressed that the purpose of that International Sister Cities exchange meeting was to showcase the achievements of Wuxi sister cities exchanges and urban identity construction, deepen practical cooperation among sister cities and better leverage the law of international sister cities and promote people-to-people connectivity and win-win cooperation in the future.
He told the various guests and particularly foreign mayors that Wuxi enjoys beautiful environment and a habitable ecology with Yangtze River to the north and Taihu Lake to the south. Wuxi is a national city for the demonstration of ecological civilization construction, he said, while revealing to the guests that Wuxi is open, inclusive and the happiest city in China.
Panelists exchanged on the achievements made in their countries of origin as well as on future prospects for sustainable development.
Note that African journalists got the opportunity to know more about Jiangsu province and particularly Wuxi city through various visits. They enjoyed the beauty of the national cherry blossom park based in Wuxi. The communication facilitators indicated that this cherry blossom park exists only in three countries across the world such as China, Japan and the United States of America.