• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The President of the Republic calls for an increase in production


Mar 14, 2024

BUBANZA March 14th (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Evariste Ndayishimiye, paid a visit, on Tuesday March 12, 2024, his field located on Gifurwe hill in Mpanda commune (northwest of Burundi), where he proceeded to sow the beans, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

In an interview with the media, President Ndayishimiye indicated that he is delighted with the harvest which was good, for growing season A. He advises farmers to manage that harvest well by selling the surplus. He said he launched into agri-livestock with the aim of showing Burundians that it is a key sector that can lead them to wealth.

To civil servants, the President of the Republic calls on them to change their mentality by realizing that it is currently difficult to meet all their needs with their monthly salaries. He therefore invites them to make the most of their time after working hours, by engaging in various income-generating activities, especially agriculture and livestock.

According to him, with the increase in production, there will be collection of taxes, which will allow the implementation of various development projects and remains optimistic about the achievement of the vision of emerging Burundi in 2040 and developed country in 2060.

He calls on leaders to serve as a good reference in increasing production. He encourages Burundian farmers that God will bless their work, so that the harvest, for that current B crop season, is good, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

Note that the President of the Republic took that opportunity to visit the Mitakataka agro-pastoral cooperative, which breeds almost all domestic animals, on Kizina village in Gihanga commune, as well as the storage shed for agricultural production of the “Terimbere” cooperative, in Rugenge in Mpanda commune.