• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

More than 2000 new members welcomed by the Secretary General of the CNDD-FDD


Mar 14, 2024

CIBITOKE March 13th (ABP) – The Secretary General of the CNDD-FDD party, Réverien Ndikuriyo made a working visit, Sunday March 10, 2024, to the headquarters of Cibitoke province, which will become the headquarters of the commune of same name with the new administrative division.

The purpose of that visit was to welcome more than 2,000 new members of the CNDD-FDD party, from other political parties.

Welcoming the new members, Mr. Ndikuriyo indicated that that massive entry into his party is the result of his raids in the 95 zones which make up the new commune of Bujumbura, and that after the Cibitoke commune, will be the tour of the two other communes which remain of the former province of Cibitoke, including Mugina and Bukinanyana. He said his party wants to correct the errors and move forward, to total 95% of the votes in the three communes of Cibitoke, in the 2025 elections.

On that occasion, he said that the issues of hunger, malnutrition, and problems linked to demography must be resolved as soon as possible. To achieve that, he indicated that we must establish family planning, stop early pregnancies, and agree on the number of children per couple, for the criteria of a model household.

He revealed that since next May, the CNDD-FDD party will raise awareness among its members, especially young people, on the household model to adopt.

With a view to the country’s vision of a Burundi emerging in 2040, and developed in 2060, the CNDD-FDD party will popularize the model household approach, he said, adding that his party will put order in everything through good guidance.

In order to achieve economic dependence, everyone must get involved, through agriculture, the search for foreign exchange via the continual growth of coffee tree fields, making the avocado tree an export crop, and above all avoiding the waste of money.

The secretary general of the ruling party called on the members of his party to combat distrust towards members of other political parties, to move towards a country where peace, security, justice, and democracy reign.